Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The repertoire on the Erato set , consisting mostly of familiar Mravinsky favourites , may also give a misleading impression .
2 Both ants and termites live in large colonies consisting mostly of sterile , wingless workers , dedicated to the efficient production of winged reproductive castes which fly off to found new colonies .
3 A Radio Moscow report of Feb. 26 noted that the situation had been aggravated by the absence of any Kazakh officers in a unit consisting mostly of indigenous servicemen .
4 The slope running down to the quarry-cliff was not steep , but its surface was very treacherous , consisting mostly of loose stones and shale , which were apt to slip under any movement .
5 Where a key is a long number , consisting perhaps of ten digits , but we only have 8000 records and hence need only to allocate 10 000 storage positions , we could use the last four digits of the key as a storage address .
6 Sensibly comparing two foods of a very similar nature , they monitored a group of people eating a ‘ meal ’ consisting entirely of wholemeal bread , which contains 8.5 per cent of dietary fibre , and compared them with a group eating a ‘ meal ’ of white bread , which contains only 2.7 per cent dietary fibre .
7 Teeth 42 in number ( 20 upper , 22 lower ) , strong correctly placed , meeting in a scissors bite — lower incisors touching inside of upper incisors .
8 In more general heraldic usage the word is applied to the bringing together of two or more sets of arms to form quarterings — this is to say a shield divided into a number of areas , each capable of carrying a complete coat of arms as a sign of familial bonding .
9 Surrealist allegory , in Breton 's words , would be based on ‘ the bringing together of two more or less distant realities ’ , these realities forming ‘ an aggregation based on elective affinities ’ ( Kuspit 1983 , p. 58 ) .
10 Surrealist allegory would be based on , in Breton 's words , ‘ the bringing together of two more or less distant realities ’ , these realities forming ‘ an aggregation based on elective affinities ’ ( Kuspit 1983 , p.58 ) .
11 That has much to do with the bringing together of all participants in the one place — all staying in the same hotel , all competing at the same venue , all joining in the same events , culminating in the Barbarian Easter Tour-style tradition of each nation providing a ‘ cabaret ’ turn at the farewell banquet .
12 She says that it 's the bringing together of like minds .
13 Tactile qualities , colour and personal handling were reintroduced , incorporating collage and the bringing together of disparate materials for emotionally provocative purposes , and encouraging the innovation of individual forms of symbolism .
14 In a way this was a bringing together of audio-visual aids and library services at the school level corresponding to the coordination of these county services suggested in the fifth objective .
15 Our natural heritage and a part of God 's creation are symbolically represented here so there is a bringing together of secular conservationists and the church .
16 Although it is a bringing together of basic techniques , certain movements in the kicks and punches must be altered slightly .
17 ‘ Active constitution ’ involves a bringing together of this qualitative ensemble in such a way as to strengthen , modify or weaken the initial felt response .
18 One of the fond hopes for the tertiary colleges established in Sheffield in 1988 , by the bringing together of sixth form education and the further education colleges , was that the new 16–19 provision would draw upon the strengths of the partners .
19 Over the eight years of the project the reduction in inequality between different socio.economic groups was consequent upon an improvement in scores attained at the bottom end of the distribution and not the levelling down of those at the top .
20 He made an immediate advance by growing the mould on a medium consisting only of simple salts and glucose , instead of the broth which Fleming had used .
21 Although the family in the orthodox reader can not exist at all — there is no family so griefless , angerless , humourless , or so utterly devoid of conflict as the family in the orthodox reader — it is recognisable in externals … the detached house … father at leisure with the lawnmower ( or going to the office with the brief case ) , the large dog and the aristocratic cat , the tidy organised family consisting only of one father , one mother , one son , one daughter .
22 Among vertebrates , no mammals , and only a few domestic strains of birds , are parthenogenetic , but there are wild ‘ species ’ of lizards consisting only of parthenogenetic females .
23 The field of candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination , hitherto consisting only of former Massachusetts senator Paul E. Tsongas and former mayor of Irvine , California , Larry Agran , grew substantially in September .
24 A coalition consisting only of Labour and a party to its left would have immense trouble foisting the trauma of withdrawal on Israel .
25 Implementation is for planning and installing hardware and software , producing documentation and training , a handover to new systems and winding down of old systems .
26 Whereas we may postulate ‘ awareness ’ as a basic property of any behaviour , the ongoing ‘ here-and-now , relating together of incoming sensations to provide a consciousness of ‘ oneself as an object ’ requires a sustained act of attention utilizing a coded representation of reality in which the self as agent is included .
27 This stripping away of extraneous duties continued under its successor , the College of Foreign Affairs , which began to function in 1719 , and well before the end of the century this process of specialization had been completed .
28 okay , round the base of your thumb , basically what we want to do is we want to clamp these fingers in so they ca n't come un unstuck , we want to push them together because she ca n't keep them shut like that , but the next thing is that you come round to the back where the little finger is , the next time you come round here , you 're gon na come round to about the first thumb joint okay and then you 're gon na go over the top okay and if you come round again the little thumb , by , by the little finger , you come round again to the thumb joint okay , come over the top again , round , we 're just making really like the figure of eight , but all the time we 're keeping off of this wrist here and I 'm keeping her fingers in , are you alright still ?
29 A future investment activity not specifically relevant to the current context is the establishment , operation or winding up of collective investment schemes .
30 In the last few years these problems have also been intensified by the housing changes described in chapter 7 , namely the accelerated contraction of the private-rented sector , the winding up of New Town Development Corporations and other official overspill schemes , the cutback in Treasury funds for new public-sector house-building in general , and the sale of council houses to tenants with ‘ Right To Buy ’ discounts ( Brittan , 1986 ) .
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