Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 UNCITRAL likewise engages in widespread consultation , drawing widely on the expertise of practising specialists .
2 Continue working up the graph , row by row , again knitting right on the right and left on the left .
3 He ran aside , firing upward on the run .
4 Her arm tightened around him , her other hand resting loosely on the shoulders of another singer .
5 ‘ Mach helped me , ’ he said , watching her closely now , his hand resting loosely on the gun in his pocket .
6 Chairman John Gunn described the rumours as ‘ malicious , gratuitous and unnecessary , reflecting badly on the market ’ .
7 But Isabel had plenty of spirit , Guy reminded himself , ruthlessly stamping down on the protectiveness the sight of her always seemed to arouse in him .
8 On her ice cream round she lost her temper , bringing down on the head of the ringleader the entire tray of ice cream .
9 He moved closer , into the dimness of the stall itself , and stood there beside her , his hand resting gently on the horse 's flank .
10 This is the life down on the Copacobana beach in Rio … sun shining … waves crashing in on the sand … and its here that Liz Macdonald from Gloucester is setting off on the second leg of the British Steel Challenge … she 's on board the Nuclear Electric yacht … from Rio they round Cape Horn and head for Hobart … they 'll be racing for six weeks …
11 The idea of the Big Chief Exec himself crashing in on the detail seems a poor use of resources itself and no more a guarantee of success when he should be looking after the whole business ( you have heard the litany : ‘ At first he came to every meeting , then occasionally he was called away , then he sent some deputy or other , and in the end we thought , what 's the point , if he does n't care , why should we ? ’ ) .
12 Although Joe Nichols in the New York Times wrote that ‘ Lester Piggott rode with the competence that has stamped him as one of the world 's great riders , and brought his mount home in time ’ , the Washington Post thought that ‘ there could be fault-finding with Piggott 's tactics in tucking in on the rail and not asking his mount for more of the effort he had in reserve ’ .
13 Touching down on the main wheels first , the Ercoupe twitched into line ; they even tried it with the rudder pedals locked , flying on elevator and aileron only , but found the feeling ‘ rather disconcerting ’ !
14 In course of time McKenzie did just that and the four divers slipped over the side , touching down on the deck of the Delos just over an hour after leaving the Ariadne .
15 Our first sight of the island was a sharp mountain peak jutting through the low cloud which unfortunately spoiled our view , but in minutes we were through the cloud and touching down on the long black runway which ran parallel to the shores of the fiord .
16 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
17 He raises it over his head and brings it crashing down on the back of the man 's head ; once , twice , three times .
18 Scott brought his hand crashing down on the desk top , his face pale with rage , the vein at his temple throbbing .
19 I would argue , however , that love-making ought not to be treated as drawing only on the irrational side of a person 's nature .
20 The various weights that the four fundamental activities can have , the controls imposed and the roles defined for individuals and departments , will vary for particular design processes depending greatly on the type of product being developed .
21 These again suit our mood , but at the last we turn for a final lingering view of the Parthenon , reflecting perhaps on the ultimate destiny of the material works of man .
22 It is not simply that these areas suffer from deprivation and poverty , but there is a danger of many outer estates , in particular , becoming areas which have a quite different social and economic system , operating almost at subsistence level , depending entirely on the public sector , where the opportunities for improvement either through self-help or through outside intervention are minimal .
23 Kneeling down on the floor , he picked up an empty cartridge case .
24 Kneeling down on the dusty pavement , she made as if to tie her shoelaces .
25 ‘ I was kneeling down on the beach beside a lake when I felt this appallingly painful tingling sensation in my knee .
26 She saw him flex his ankle and wince , and she stood up and went over to him , kneeling down on the end of one of the sleeping-bags .
27 This may either affect the integrity of the complexes ( DMS also methylates proteins ) or , depending crucially on the composition of the binding buffer , strongly decrease the solubility and/or diffusibility of DMS and thus interfere with the final yield of the modification reaction .
28 A covenant in a lease is , prima , a contract binding only on the lessor and lessee .
29 From the fact that the whaler was lying stopped in the water and that Cousteau , his hand resting idly on the tiller , appeared to be expressing no great degree of interest in anything , it was obvious that his wait had been a vain one , a fact he confirmed on his arrival on the bridge .
30 Eventually they acquired the status of gods and goddesses whose periodic tantrums brought epidemics , famines and other disasters raining down on the heads of long-suffering humanity .
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