Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They are competing vigorously with each other to be last .
2 A list structure joins a sequence of data elements by including along with each data element a pointer , which is itself a field , relating to the next data element in the list .
3 It is very thin and often has deep infoldings and outpouchings so binding together with neighbouring cells .
4 ‘ If you 'd bothered to listen to me , ’ Peter went on , ‘ instead of simply wading in with all those slanderous accusations about her , I 'd have told you earlier . ’
5 Also , if the wheel brake is of the type that is applied automatically with full airbrake , remember that you should avoid touching down with full airbrake .
6 As a result of nail sickness , the heavy Westmorland slates were regularly coming loose and crashing down with such force that they sliced through the lead gutters below .
7 He watched them disappear from his view , his father still waddling along with that bloody basket .
8 Adjectives occurring postnominally with characteristic value are perhaps less frequently encountered , but they are still by no means uncommon ; we have already queried Bolinger 's view of the only river navigable ; and in the third example from ( 17 ) , it could hardly be claimed that the buildings were only adjacent on some particular occasion .
9 The certificate was also awarded to Sgt. Curry , who joined the TA in 1965 and served with the Royal Army Service Corps and the Royal Corps of Transport before signing on with 124 Recovery Company ( Tyne Electrical Engineers ) REME in 1971 .
10 er present work , and so I mean , you , you , could say we 'll take it , er two or three hundred complaints from London , and buy time I suppose , erm to see if if if er work up here had picked up or natural wastage went or what ever , erm , if it did n't go up then , I mean in the long term , erm one could n't envisage keeping on with more staff than what 's thought to be a fairly generously assessed formula anyway , says we need .
11 In 1989 the government was still pressing on with further measures of privatization , reforming the legal profession and health service , resisting moves to greater integration within the European Community , and implementing the new system of local government finance and a reformed education system .
12 There was public and media speculation that the real purpose of the ANC 's letter was to rally its supporters in the townships , and to fend off criticism that it attached more importance to pressing on with constitutional negotiations with the government than to defending its own people .
13 One of the first people in the field to recognise the possibility of trading successfully with older customers was a Folkestone hotelier , Sidney De Haan .
14 Both individuals were walking slowly with mean steps of about 43 cm and mean strides of about 87 cm .
15 The rain was driving down with great force , swamping the dry ground , and within moments her hair was plastered flat against her cheeks .
16 If Candy realised the game Adam was playing , she would go storming in with all guns blazing , never stopping to think of the possible consequences , all her protective instincts roused in defence of her best friend .
17 You have to be in control on the roads , and you ca n't do that ambling along with loose reins .
18 The secret police was finally purged , with its chief , Yagoda , perishing along with other senior personnel .
19 Bono says : ‘ We were walking along with all these sad , dour-looking people .
20 Can you imagine anybody walking along with that , they 'd wan na
21 The doctor had opened the door suddenly , was walking in with two nurses , directing them to either side of the bed as the heart machine flashed and beeped alarmingly .
22 Then he 'll be walking in with this quiz an
23 No praise can be too high for their playing , which is vivacious , brimming over with good humour , and highly expressive in the quieter dances .
24 Older children might prefer the pirate 's treasure chest brimming over with stolen loot , or the sophisticated speed cruiser and space rocket .
25 By the end of the day , Juliana was brimming over with new-found confidence .
26 They 're just walking away with that division .
27 So I did and it 's very strange I remember toddling off with this little chap and er and Miss said , Who is this then ? or words to that effect .
28 Quietly , Estonia is also exploring the possibility of trading directly with other republics .
29 Already since the Second World War critics have arisen to castigate Montgomery for not pressing home with sufficient zeal the pursuit of the defeated Afrika Corps after Alamein .
30 Roland Hardy , prosecuting , said 24-year-old Miss Chui , from Singapore , had arrived at the university the previous month and on the day of the accident was walking home with fellow student Cedric Xavier .
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