Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Ferguson marked his return by latching on to an Alan Main clearance to beat Murdoch to the jump on the edge of the box , and head in the fourth .
2 There is clearly mutual benefit to be gained from this acquisition , for both our UK and US companies , and we look forward to this area of our business competing effectively on an international basis . ’
3 For high earners , the £75,000 cap is probably the strongest argument for hanging on to an existing Section 226 policy , since such policies are not affected by the earnings limit .
4 Labour demanded his resignation after the LAS Board chairman , Jim Harris , announced he was stepping down as an inquiry blamed management failures over the £1.5 million computer-aided despatch system ( CAD ) .
5 his great jaw hanging down like an open hatch .
6 Before signing on with an agency :
7 In explaining how he managed to escape active military service during the war by signing on for an officers ' programme , Mr Clinton apparently omitted to mention that he had already received his call-up notice when he sought to join the Reserve Officers ' Training Corps .
8 He started painting professionally from an early age , and was soon contributing regularly to publications such as Punch , Illustrated London News and the Graphic newspaper .
9 A swift tour of inspection revealed numerous bedrooms , an enormous sitting-room with a raised dining-area visible through an archway , and a whole wall of french doors opening on to an oval glittering blue swimming-pool .
10 Each of the questions above is worth exploring , especially because final paragraphs and sentences often fall into one of a number of largely unsatisfactory idioms , each with its own way of dealing with ending less as an opportunity than as an escape .
11 The Himalayas , whose rise began maybe 50 million years ago , are still climbing heavenwards at an average rate of seven millimetres per year , double the speed of their advance ten million years ago , though such rates are by no means constant .
12 Though Christian Socialism ‘ with the old Owenites and idealistic Socialists … regarded Co-operative Store keeping not as an end in itself but as a step towards the Co-operative or Socialist Commonwealth … envisaged partly in terms of producers ’ self-government' , the victory had gone to those who stood ‘ against them , the main body of the working-class adherents for whom the Store Movement was a reality and Co-operation mainly an agency for mutual thrift and the procuring of unadulterated goods at fair prices . ’
13 It is typical of options that if a particular contract does not exist in a ready made form for trading directly on an exchange , it can be manufactured from existing tradeable instruments .
14 For there can be no doubt that Expressive behaviour as understood by Tormey — a state of emotional arousal in a person relating prepositionally to an object ( or person ) outside that person — is seen by the Stanislavskian School as a proper way for an actor to behave on stage .
15 ‘ Would you rape me ? ’ she choked , twisting aside in an attempt to avoid his seeking mouth .
16 So , whilst this definition obviously includes jetting off to an exotic resort with a fortnight 's stay in a hotel , the definition also catches the hotel which offers an inclusive theatre weekend — one price covering the stay in the hotel and tickets for a show .
17 Christ ! he thought , I 'm becoming more like an Irish peasant every day .
18 At the beginning of the thirties it must have seemed as if the world was opening up at an astonishing rate , but by the end of the decade it had closed to all but those on active military service .
19 Heath and his colleagues next abolished the parliament and constitution of Northern Ireland in defiance of all Commonwealth constitutional precedent and despite the fact that the action was a unilateral tearing up of an international treaty registered at the League of Nations .
20 In this case , however , it may be that present sea level coincides with an older sea level to so close a degree that the erosion platform merely represents the trimming up of an earlier one .
21 All the originals are locked to prevent accident but the elements can be ungrouped and manipulated to create new designs or , given a colour system , you can try adjusting the colours of the elements and backgrounds — often ending up with an entirely new feel .
22 Under the authorship of one of the Institute 's latest recruits , public transport travel consultant Barry S. Doe MCIT , ‘ Tickets , Trains and Timetables : The Impact of Privatisation on the Rail Network ’ warns that the country is in danger of ending up with an airline style ticketing system in which passengers wishing to travel outwards on one franchisee 's train but return home on another 's may have to pay a supplement up to the value of the full ‘ standard ’ fare .
23 It was more than she had bargained for , and she now returned to the Madonna with a much bigger bunch of flowers praying fervently for an end to her fertility .
24 Last year , before signing up to an IMF deal , Ethiopia 's government sent a team to visit eight African countries and decide for themselves what works .
25 There were only thirty visitors over the weekend Only one signing up for an organically grown allotment.It seems the message has n't yet taken root with the general public .
26 Paddling out at real Waimea was the equivalent of squaring up to an over from Harold Larwood and finding you had forgotten your box and pads .
27 Love-making 's not easy when you 're driving back from an evening meeting in Cheltenham to reach London by 1.30am and you both have to be up early for work the next day . ’
28 Your boyfriend certainly has a communication problem and walking out on an argument is very immature .
29 A notorious Australian criminal is behind bars again eight weeks after walking out of an open prison .
30 But they 're at their best during songs like ‘ Stomach Worm ’ , where a cute , simplistic beat pop tune ascends slowly into noisy chaos , thrashing around in an acid bath and trying to keep from being submerged .
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