Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] same thing " in BNC.

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1 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
2 That 's quite ludicrous , why should they shoot themselves in the foot and is Mr seriously suggesting the same thing ?
3 Of course , it 's always there , but the walls and towers appear to have moved when they were not being watched , or maybe they are in the same place , but the adventurers are n't seeing the same thing all the time .
4 We can ask , for instance , whether it enjoys any or all of the experiences , ‘ seeing the same thing moving ’ , ‘ seeing one thing being replaced by another ’ , ‘ seeing a thing of a particular shape ’ , and ‘ seeing a thing being transformed into another ’ .
5 Ann said they kept both wanting the same thing at the same time .
6 As has already been observed by the Dominican , Conrad Pepler : we need not to labour the fact that Hilton is writing the same things as St John of the Cross , …
7 We have now a number of equations describing the same thing .
8 Or are these two ways of describing the same thing ?
9 ‘ At first I was upset by this development , ’ said one official , ‘ but then I realised that with so many places selling the same things either they would go bust or they would have to channel their efforts into other , more necessary things . ’
10 ‘ He does n't do a damn thing for the good of mankind , but makes one hell of a fat living by buying cheap from one worker and selling the same thing dear to another worker .
11 The same old thing — cleaning the same things all the time , that 's what gets me .
12 Why d' you keep saying the same things .
13 They seemed like two equivalent ways of saying the same thing , and which form of words you chose seemed a matter of taste .
14 The gabble continued , not repeating itself word for word but always saying the same thing .
15 She sweetly punctuated every pause with ‘ Actually , we have had quite a few calls saying the same thing , ’ and ‘ Actually , I must say , I do rather agree with you . ’
16 It 's them , always saying the same thing .
17 ‘ Perhaps that 's another way of saying the same thing , ’ Hepzibah said .
18 To back up the intuitive sense that there are " different ways of saying the same thing " , Ohmann ( in the article quoted ) enlists the authority of linguistics .
19 Let us think again about what is good in the dualist position : it captures the insight that two pieces of language can be seen as alternative ways of saying the same thing : that is , that there can be STYLISTIC VARIANTS with different STYLISTIC VALUES .
20 I think we 're saying the same thing .
21 We could say simply — John ate fish and chips but there are many other ways of saying the same thing :
22 Chambers and Trudgill ( 1980 : 90 ) note that it is ‘ not possible to set up done as any kind of linguistic variable , since it is not a form which is involved in alternation with other forms that could be considered to be ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ ' .
23 Particularly , the notion of ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ to which Weiner and Labov obliquely refer ( see above ) is much less straightforward than it seems .
24 Because syntax is embedded in discourse , entirely different forms might have similar functions ( i.e. be used as equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ) ; for this reason it is sometimes difficult to specify a principled way of knowing where to stop counting particular forms as variants of a variable .
25 This may be said to constitute evidence that the speaker views [ SVQ ] and [ QSV ] as ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ .
26 But in her earlier study where she had viewed the alternants as being ‘ equivalent ways of saying the same thing ’ she did not attempt to ‘ account for the interplay between the differences in modal meaning and the social conditioning in the use of these forms ’ ( Lavandera 1982 : 90 — her translation ) .
27 The patterns could be interpreted in different ways ; one possibility is to argue that the correlation with extra-linguistic variables constitutes evidence that the forms are simply different ways of saying the same thing , that differences in modal meaning which do not affect truth-conditions are merely stylistic and so may be ignored .
28 But if I have been able to persuade you that Bishop Wilberforce and Professor Chomsky are really saying the same thing , then those of you who are of rationalist or empiricist persuasion have at least got a measure of the difficulties that you face .
29 Everything took getting used to , she said , saying the same thing night after night , softly in the darkness .
30 John-William had been saying the same thing himself when Ben Braithwaite had still been in his cradle .
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