Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] up to " in BNC.

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1 Tiered grandstand seating for up to 800 people will be available at Bishops Lydeard for each of the two Cavalcades held each day in between normal WSR service trains .
2 Wilf Orton , prosecuting , said Hooker , driving at up to 50 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour limit , had been trying to over-take four slower moving vehicles when he hit the other car side on .
3 A favourite incense burnt in the temples and at state ceremonies was Kyphi , a luxurious and heady brew consisting of up to sixteen ingredients which included saffron , cassia , spikenard , cinnamon and juniper .
4 In addition , it prescribes a national curriculum , consisting of up to eleven foundation subjects , three or four of which are to form a core .
5 And management at the Trawsfynydd power station made it clear yesterday that they were still looking for up to 50 voluntary redundancies at the station this year .
6 He hopes to have up to 600 companies on the books within a year with larger companies looking for up to 100 products each .
7 The company says it supports 16 serial ports operating at up to 115.2Kbps .
8 Currently , most laser printers set at 300dpi with newer models operating at up to 600dpi .
9 The prices crash has resulted in used hot hatchbacks selling for up to £1,000 less than they were fetching a few months ago , according to Mr Tom Atkins , general manager of BRS Car Auctions , Stoke .
10 Scaffolding is expected to be erected this week , marking the start of work to halt the tower 's tilt , which is growing by up to three millimetres a month .
11 At one extreme underthrusting is seen as proceeding for up to 1500 km at the base of the continental crust through the peeling off of the lower part of the lithosphere of the Eurasian Plate ( Fig. 3.22(B) ) .
12 Dovercourt was designed for at most 500 residents but was providing for up to twice as many .
13 Sixteen year olds not in full-time education will be entitled to a new traineeship lasting for up to two years , with an option of a further two years .
14 In Nabisco 's policy legal fees resulting from up to two unsuccessful attempts to purchase a house are refunded .
15 With growth rates for technical and scientific Unix solutions rising by up to 30% a year , SGI is still able to cock a snoot at the commercial world with impunity for the present : ‘ we want our systems to make money , not count money , ’ says SGI president and chief executive officer , Ed McCracken .
16 Authority chairman Tony Russell said the hearing , which had already cost the authority £90,000 , was only due to last ten days but now there was prospect of it continuing for up to three months .
17 Under South African law police could hold the man for questioning for up to 48 hours before seeking the permission of magistrates for an extension .
18 Collectively , these statutes enable the police to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details , to enter forcibly and search private properties , to detain suspects for questioning for up to 72 hours and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies .
19 Your poor old missus is being relatively undemanding in only asking for up to 15 minutes .
20 You may have received a letter from them early in 1984 asking for up to date details .
21 There are three models — M92 with two CPUs , M94 with four and M98 with up to eight , the last coming with up to 4G-words of 64 bits , 32Gb , using 16M-bit memory chips with up to 17.1G-bytes-per-second memory bandwidth and 11.7G-bytes-per-second input-output throughput .
22 All Wednesday evening and into the night , companies trickled in with announcements that their kit was being used as part of Nynex Corp 's new Nynex Enterprise Services high capacity digital private line service ( CI No 2,148 ) : the system will use more than 100 Sparcserver systems from Sun Microsystems Computer Corp to provide the services , and they will use Tivoli Systems Inc 's software to manage the services ; Dynatech Corp 's Parallax Graphics unit supplied its XVideo system to display digital video coming from up to two channels of live video display and one-channel video output , and Synernetics Inc , based in North Billerica , Massachusetts says it will supply a switching hub for the Enterprise Fibre Distributed Data Interface part of the system .
23 With boards travelling at up to 25 knots , the emphasis is on not falling since in a few seconds the fleet will have zoomed past and gained a huge advantage .
24 Crash investigator , David Bristow used tyre marks on the road and a reconstruction to calculate that Gooch 's car had been travelling at up to 96 mph .
25 ‘ It can be on its way to an incident within four minutes , is capable of travelling at up to 25mph and is extremely manoeuvrable .
26 It 's recognized as our most magnificent falcon , diving at up to 200 mph to capture its prey .
27 The polishing machine consists of a simple rotary polishing lap running at up to 30 rpm , on which is placed a precision lapping chuck ( Fig. 4.7a ) with several slides held by vacuum suction ( Fig. 4.7b ) .
28 In Water Resources Development Strategy , the NRA stresses the need to save water by means of reducing wastage due to leaks ( currently running at up to a quarter of total supplies ) and introducing metering in areas of low supply .
29 The scent is transferred to the tibiae in night , the bees re-alighting and collecting for up to 1 hour .
30 The firm claims that three of its objects are as powerful as seven handwritten SQL queries , with 50 objects combining for up to 1m possible queries .
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