Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 On her way to her desk she tried to collect a beaker of iced water but the machine was empty and a knot of querulous men were standing around it demanding something be done .
2 I find clip-ons perfectly acceptable and , as braces are now a fashionable item , do n't worry about letting them be seen .
3 Another and at least equally powerful strand says no , because it wants to emphasise the distinctive value of women 's insights , and also the special bond of sisterhood which is seen as binding women together , rather than letting them be absorbed and assimilated into he wider human group .
4 But we 're letting ourselves be distracted from the matter in hand .
5 It is very simple : the artist can not allow himself the luxury of letting himself be manipulated passively by our culture .
6 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
7 It would be to let one maxim remind him of the treacherous limits of his information and the other of unconsidered consequences of delay , and try to fill both gaps in his awareness before letting himself be moved in one direction or the other .
8 But he had no intention of letting himself be intimidated .
9 ‘ He thinks I 'm an idiot ! ’ said Marie , eagerly , letting herself be swept along on the hysteria of Bella 's rage .
10 However well-meaning Luke Hunter might be , she had no intention of letting herself be steamrollered by him — in business or anything else .
11 She could have bitten her tongue off , letting herself be carried away like that .
12 I think I must be like my mother , she is always letting herself be interviewed , my father says its vulgar , but she likes it , she likes people coming to ask her questions about herself and how she makes coffee and who she his to dinner and what kind of paper she writes on , she says it makes her feel as though she really has got somewhere in her life .
13 But at least it would be better than letting herself be drawn in by his very potent brand of masculine attraction .
14 Too late , those who should have been Frederick 's allies realised their mistake in letting him be crushed .
15 The United States began consultations with friendly powers in October letting it be understood that a UN temporary commission would be proposed , charged with supervising elections and reporting back to the UN Security Council and General Assembly at Lake Success .
16 Fixing aluminium foil behind radiators , dull side against the wall , helps to reflect heat outwards , instead of letting it be absorbed by the wall .
17 For a terrible equation prevailed : that which would ultimately save the human race — the evolution of a higher consciousness — was , in its long and vulnerable gestation , exactly what could so easily destroy humanity by letting it be corrupted , polluted , warped and ruined .
18 That means , year on year , sustaining the commitment instead of letting it be eroded . ’
19 In effect , however , he was letting it be known that Mr Heseltine would not be the only interventionist candidate for the leadership -nor the only one to feel more enthusiasm about Europe than Mrs Thatcher .
20 ‘ It 's vital that the people making those decisions are in touch with the grass roots of the sport — that they are out there on the ground talking to athletes and coaches , attending races and letting it be known what they are doing .
21 Tory party managers are letting it be known that the Commons will rise for the summer recess on 17 July .
22 If you let your debtors get away with not paying or late paying you are only hurting your own image by letting it be known that your credit control is open to abuse and that you can be financially pushed around .
23 A second note of warning was issued a month later , when Andrew Gardner , a member of the Montrose interest , advised that Smith would meet with much opposition from the heritors , and indeed one of the heritors attempted to bargain with the duke by letting it be known that his attitude towards Mr. Smith might change if the Duke of Montrose allowed the laird to purchase the superiority of some of his lands .
24 In any event , Acheson had realized that the US bargaining position with the French disappeared ‘ the moment we agree to give them aid ’ and , as if to confirm this predicament , a couple of days after Truman 's cabinet had decided unanimously in favour of recognition , the French were letting it be known that , although their intentions were indeed evolutionary , they could not ‘ afford to kindle unrealistic national appetites ’ .
25 Baldwin encouraged it to do so — by inviting an unacceptable resolution , by promoting a secret ballot , and letting it be known that he would resign if defeated .
26 In the words of one politician , ‘ given that the major public utilities are under constant political attack , it is in the interests of the chairmen to have the minister broadly defending the industry and not letting it be known in the ways the minister has at his disposal that he basically agrees with the critics ’ ( fieldnotes ) .
27 Then ‘ Be aware ’ prescribes awareness from the future viewpoint , and letting myself be moved to avert the danger .
28 The other perceives , I merely imagine ; he suffers , I merely simulate his distress by letting myself be moved by what I imagine .
29 I made a bad mistake on my second lot of commercials — for Skol — by letting myself be persuaded by other people against my own instincts , so from then on I was very firm about what I wanted to do and what I was prepared to do , and it 's made my life easy .
30 NOWADAYS , CABARET Voltaire are n't drastically trying to open up new vistas. they just run the gamut of electronic dance music — techno , acid , ambient , the trancey bass-driven hypno-grooves — letting themselves be influenced by the most exciting period dance music has seen since ‘ 87 –'88.;
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