Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you remember bringing me here when I was very new to Monte Samana ? ’
2 She said you were using me just as she had been used .
3 Their sensual lives consisted in picking up half-drunk girls in pubs and spending the night with them , perhaps only seeing them once or twice more , or never again .
4 Jack grew dizzy as he thought of it , seeing them sitting with tall glasses on a shady patio and , strangely , seeing them too as they were now , untouched by the hand of time .
5 I risked them seeing me so as to try to hear , but in fact by the time I could hear them they were shouting , which meant I could listen through the doorway without seeing them or being seen .
6 The most subtle strategy available to a teacher is that of teacher-in-role , for this device is flexible enough to have any one of the three functions ; it can take the pupils ' attention off themselves by allowing them passively or actively to use teacher 's role as a projection , or it can be non-projective and challenge the pupils to interact .
7 He had had his ventures and connections with young women in the past , enjoying them usually whilst remaining heart-whole .
8 It 's easy to get carried away by the many tools at your disposal so beware of using them just because they 're there .
9 One of Assad 's closest confidantes ( and Monzer al-Kassar 's brother-in-law ) , Dubah was the cartel 's principal enforcer , frequently co-opting Ahmed Jibril 's PFLP — GC , the Abu Nidal faction and other Palestinian terrorist groups to do his dirty work as well as using them routinely as part-time agents in his ‘ legitimate ’ intelligence operations .
10 If we continue supplying the Reds , we will be helping them more than the Blues .
11 Yes , I mean I have a very helpful husband , but he 's helping , he sees him himself as helping me rather than doing his share of it without having to ask what help I need .
12 It was a common thing to find people searching the garbage heaps for orange peel , old bones or other refuse , and eating them greedily when found .
13 The head must rule the heart , ’ Mario Ortiz , who was passing through Tambopata , had pronounced , eying me gravely but sympathetically and tapping his head and heart in turn .
14 He has been nagging me actually since I threw his others , he threw his others away that when some more came in , but these are alright for girls ai n't they ?
15 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
16 But it is by no means certain what the law is when the goods are on the premises of one who was not responsible for bringing them there and who has committed no tort with respect to them .
17 She wants companionship but , in order to achieve that , she has to take the risk of trusting someone else and take the risk of getting hurt .
18 We begin by reminding ourselves daily that God provides all that we need for our lives .
19 Timmy would spend hours happily banging them together or against the bars or , as now , slobbering against one of the stones in an attempt to get it into his mouth .
20 The hon. Gentleman has said that it is in the process of acquiring two incredibly beautiful works and the point is that it is acquiring them even though they cost much more than the nominal amount of Government grant available .
21 The unspoken truth lay between the older and younger woman like some tangible wedge , driving them further and further apart .
22 Bulls usually shake their heads erratically , lowering them vertically and twisting them sideways as they jerk them up to inflict the maximum injury .
23 It also criticized the Department of Transport ( DTp ) for not applying them vigorously and called on the department to widen the scope of inspections and review methods of enforcement .
24 Sat there through the night , closing my eyes at times , then opening them slowly and allowing the glass to impose itself .
25 Her father lay back in the big squashy leather chair and closed his eyes for a moment , before opening them again and fixing them firmly on his daughter .
26 ‘ You do n't get over disliking someone simply because you have n't seen them for a long time . ’
27 purifying himself just as he is pure .
28 Once he ran straight into a thick-stemmed thistle , knocking himself sideways and rolling over and over .
29 I 'm just keeping you here while I force you to listen to me . ’
30 What 's the use of keeping you here if you let anyone who chooses have a free run of the place ? ’
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