Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nearby , fishermen sort their nets before hanging them up to dry in the tall net ‘ shops ’ that are unique to Hastings ; and delicious fresh fish is always available from the fishmarket .
2 And her soulful eyes and wobbling chin would be challenging the others , daring them not to join in !
3 While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment , there should , however , be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate .
4 She kept phoning me up to tell me about Crowded House tickets and that she could n't get any .
5 I can remember being asked to run the mile at school and my parents encouraging me not to stop ( try hard ) .
6 The atmosphere was one of people enjoying themselves in their own way and allowing everyone else to do so too .
7 As we shall see later in the chapter , however , there is a potential conflict between using interest rates to control the demand for money and using them also to control the exchange rate .
8 Now his hands are holding my head , holding me in , helping me not to fly away , apart , dissolve .
9 But I 've accepted it as fate that people are building me up to knock me down .
10 As had happened previously , the fines were paid anonymously but the magistrates had made it impossible for an outsider to defuse the situation on this occasion by also binding them over to keep the peace .
11 Compared with Mitroff 's earlier paper , there is much more emphasis here on linking stakeholder analysis with research into cognitive schemas , and a greater recognition that there may be problems both in identifying the schemas , often held unconsciously , and in bringing them together to inform the corporate debate about strategy .
12 In addition to using casual workers to man up for " events " , we also found cases of organisations bringing them in to cope with peaks in what might be termed their " more continuous " activities .
13 She was trusting me not to do that , putting that power in my hands .
14 I did enjoy our cup of tea together , and thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about your husband 's alcoholism .
15 The cat did n't protest , circling happily between the huge biceps , trusting them not to crush her .
16 What 's the point of returning to work and allowing someone else to bring up the child ?
17 When she pulled herself out of bed and went to the bathroom , instructing me not to look at the sketch , I got the chance to examine it .
18 In 1835 de Tocqueville admired ‘ the extreme skill with which the inhabitants of the United States succeed in proposing a common object for the exertions of a great many men and inducing them voluntarily to pursue it . ’
19 On a kill they show no special relish for liver , heart or kidneys by singling them out to eat first as delicacies .
20 In waves they attacked , driving them back to stop the raising of the Stones which eagles had seen in other places .
21 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
22 He spent weeks nerving himself up to get a big whale picture , or maybe a dolphin .
23 They had all been inhibited from plain speaking by the lavish hospitality , the fresh scampi with avocado had been too ‘ mucked about ’ for her taste , while that dreadful black man had insisted on telling her all about his times in and out of the ring with ‘ Big Frank ’ ( ‘ a lovely suit of clothes ’ ) , interrupting himself only to raise his glass of pink wine to Sir Ralph who had , in his opinion , ‘ done us proud ’ .
24 I 'm instructing you how to respond to me . ’
25 Everyone admires her for working so hard , for thrashing herself relentlessly to entertain the troops and keep the fans happy .
26 It looks like she 's nerving herself up to step forward .
27 It was tearing her apart to know how much he must love the pale , blank-eyed girl .
28 Roman laughed suddenly , catching her by the shoulders and twisting her round to face him .
29 At the start of the decade the 2-Tone bands were keeping everybody up to scratch about racism , and by the end of it a member of Duran Duran had bought himself a house in South Africa .
30 I mean Mao will have no merit in actually distorting it deliberately to try and motivate his leaders because
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