Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The pack will pull the carcass apart , competing for the best of the kill , and Fido plays tug-of-war games , hoping to win the toy .
2 East European countries are thus competing for the best western companies just as western companies are competing for contracts .
3 For the past 30 years Aegina has been producing about the best pistachios in the world .
4 I would personally like to see more erm sort of grading of erm more , more higher standards being set by the sort of head offices of people who own things like chains of motorway service areas , not catering for the lowest common denominator , but aiming to really have an absolutely top quality service , cleanliness , everything , in all parts of their business .
5 She took a deep breath and leaned out further , groping for the nearest bloom , closing her eyes to the drop beneath her .
6 Brazilian soccer was in mourning this week after a match which had commentators wailing about the worst game ever to be witnessed in the hallowed Maracana Stadium .
7 She 'd been grappling with the oddest emotional reaction , one she 'd never come across before and could n't fathom at all , clutching the jacket round her so tightly that her knuckles were white .
8 The target 's circular to shareholders must disclose purchases and redemptions made over the period commencing 12 months prior to the offer period and ending with the latest practicable date prior to the posting of the document .
9 STARTING with a crash and ending with the tightest finish in America 's Cup sailing , the fourth race of the Louis Vuitton challenger semi-finals off San Diego was both memorable and miserable , writes Tim Jeffery .
10 A young , a beautiful , a fairy-story mother , dying with the greatest of grace , as immortality asserted itself and pledged its reassurance in the night air of her departure .
11 Launching from the smallest of waves , more lift can be gained by lifting the windward rail thus enabling the wind to catch under the board .
12 Properly installed — and full instructions accompany the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm — a smoke detector will warn you of smouldering in the earliest stages of a fire and give you the vital few minutes that really could make the difference between death and survival .
13 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
14 And it says that 's what 's happening to the poorest communities , the poorest countries in the Third World .
15 The mother-of-three had been sunbathing on the hottest day of 1990 .
16 In this connection it is perhaps significant that the boundary between the parish and Snodland was the old track or Ridgeway , now largely destroyed by chalk quarries , which , keeping to the highest and driest line over the downs is thought to have formed the main east-west route at this period , crossing the River Medway at Holborough as Mr Margery suggested .
17 A man followed some distance behind her , keeping to the darkest shadows .
18 A heavy fixing may mean anchoring to the nearest joist
19 The two girls totter to the lavatory door , laughing at the funniest thing they 've seen since Grandma sat on her chihuahua .
20 These atoms , as we have seen , are spewed out from dying stars ; but it would take at least a billion years for a star to use up all its helium energy and explode , hence life could not exist in a universe consisting of the shortest-living stars , since the necessary elements such as carbon would not exist .
21 BRITAIN 'S top horsemen and women were last night galloping towards the greatest tumble of their lives — an Olympic ban .
22 THE Eve of Destruction ’ ( Echo February 20 ) is , I consider , scaremongering of the highest order .
23 With the strain of listening for the slightest sound a desperate tiredness had set in and I was having to force myself to stay awake .
24 Since he 'd arrived at Montpelier Square he had been listening for the slightest movement elsewhere in the flat .
25 Many happy hours were spent walking in the woods , chasing elusive rabbits and splashing through the muddiest water .
26 He had always claimed to be acting for the best ; not selfishly , but for all men , as the great sage Confucius had said a ruler should act .
27 This was it , the confrontation-point which he had been dreading for the best part of a week .
28 Writing about the earliest Ottoman historical text , Inalcik states : It is to be observed that the first compilation originated in the period of struggle for the existence of the Ottoman state alter the fateful defeat in 1402 .
29 Although I 've been writing about the latest machines this month , I shall be including the older models in later articles .
30 Seven law lords acting as the highest court in the Commonwealth have ruled that two men on death row in Jamaica for fourteen years should have their sentence commuted to life imprisonment .
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