Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a example " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , in using as an example the books of Joyce Porter featuring the gross , lazy and self-indulgent Inspector Dover we have already touched on this difficult combination of crime ( which is , after all , a serious matter almost all of the time ) and farce , and these two types of book are , of course , closely linked .
2 Lavandera illustrates this point , using as an example the tendency for cocoliche speakers to avoid indirect speech , which in certain types of Spanish clause is an obligatory environment for the subjunctive .
3 He was obviously serving as an example .
4 ‘ However , with the help of considerable capital funding from the ITI , and through a joint venture approach with Sutton Borough Council , who provided capital , land and an annual subsidy , the original concept has been developed into a working model aimed at serving as an example for other local authorities to consider . ’
5 When Tormey cites the art of acting as an example of representational behaviour , he was really talking about the style of acting first attributed to the famous English eighteenth-century actor David Garrick , acting which demanded not the expression of emotion but an accomplished technique by which ‘ natural ’ expressions of real life became distilled on stage by artifice .
6 Looking at an example of one such fraud will indicate this basic procedure .
7 Looking at an example from recognition test data , an original handwritten word was students , but was recognised as sludents .
8 Coveney argues that evidence for viewing such examples as alternants might be adduced from the linguistic behaviour of speakers , citing as an example the following incident where he heard a Frenchwoman asking a younger man the following question , using an [ SVQ ] variant : ‘ Tu es d'où ? ’
9 We can not really discuss problem solving without an example , so I am going to discuss a rather large problem , namely Rubik 's cube .
10 He pointed out the importance of having both long and short term memory — ‘ you do n't want to clutter up your brain with information that is irrelevant long term ’ , he said , giving as an example the way you would look at traffic approaching as you crossed a street — you need to recall the situation for only a few seconds .
11 Pupils may well need to look beyond the immediate local area , the further back they go , though starting with an example not too far away can still be useful , and allows for field visits .
12 Sir Thomas denies this vigorously , claiming as an example that the board will now look at ten options in the acute strategy review instead of the four announced publicly last November .
13 He cites a Brooklyn playground shooting as an example .
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