Example sentences of "[num] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , at no election since 1935 has a party obtained more than 50% of the votes cast , yet at only one election since that time has a government been returned without a majority of seats .
2 For example , in its first printed version Shakespeare 's Henry V has a line " and a table of green fields " , which modern editors now think should probably have been " and he babbled of green fields " .
3 The F-4500 has a scan speed of 30 000 nm per minute and a slew rate of 60 000 nm per minute , thus accelerating the acquisition of data for many applications including three-dimensional measurements .
4 The pHTestr 1 may be push-button calibrated with pH 4.0 , 7.0 or 10.0 buffer whilst the pHTestr 2 has a user selectable one , two or three push-button calibration .
5 Thromboxane A 2 has a half-life of 30 seconds at body temperature and degrades spontaneously to the stable metabolite thromboxane B 2 ( Hamberg et al , 1975 ) .
6 Layer 2 has a node for each 2*2 square of four adjacent photocells in the retina .
7 The cutting comes from a feature on breweries , and it seems that HO 2 has a lot to answer for : ‘ although TT myself , my lab friends frequently described local beer as rodent or feline effluent .
8 what what the insurance salesman do is do wobble you a little bit so that you will take it out , you know , can you afford down , if you were forty having a heart attack leaving a wife and young child behind .
9 So start thinking about those charity experiences and make sure you write to us by March 30 to have a chance of winning .
10 Withdrawn class 01's have a class J39 for company , seen at the end of the yard , and in early 1962 , more 01 's share the shed yard with Britannia 4–6–2 's 70014/49 .
11 And the buyers of 1993 have a host of well-priced properties to choose from .
12 The first is that while Article 85 has a section 3 , which permits both block and individual exemptions to be granted on the basis of beneficial affects of particular agreements , there are no corresponding sections in either Article 86 or the Merger Regulation .
13 left , erm P P G twelve and the draft P P G thirteen has a thrust of guidance there that erm talks about a closer relationship between the home and the workplace .
14 The Farrier and Naturalist for 1828 has a frontispiece showing the Royal Veterinary College .
15 The AEG OF 4505 has a list price of £133.27
16 Eight ( 20% ) of the 40 patients underwent surgery , six having a cholecystectomy and exploration of the common bile duct and two a cholecystectomy alone ( the endoprosthesis being left in situ ) .
17 Although 44 had a pension a third thought the pension was not important .
18 But in 1760 George II died , and his grandson George III had a dispute with his ministers about the King 's Speech to Parliament which revealed a new attitude .
19 The 40-year gap between the First and Second Empires had in no way diminished the ability of these people to perform their functions properly and with dignity , and it should not be thought that the Court of Napoleon III had a sort of second-hand quality about it .
20 Alas , the great mass of weight over the tail also meant that , at high speed on damp surfaces , the 911 had a habit of disappearing off roads , backside first .
21 In comparison , out of 10 patients in the placebo group , six had a remission/mild disease course and four had a moderate disease course during the study .
22 Copyhold was by inheritance in thirteen out of twenty-five Buckinghamshire manors surveyed in the reigns of Edward VI and Mary ; on two there were lifeholds only , and at three either a term of years or tenure at will ; six had a medley of all modes .
23 The 90 has a cross member at the front between the chassis rails which gets in the way .
24 Available now , the CNX 600 has a base price of £12,900 , with an average configuration priced at £17,200 .
25 My son Charlie took a 1265-X to have a go .
26 Parkes ' Chemical Catechism of 1806 had a frontispiece of apparatus , engraved on glass with fluoric acid ; in the fourth edition ( 1810 ) this was replaced by a plate of the laboratory of the Surrey Institution , a less-successful version of the Royal Institution ; in later editions Parkes substituted a laboratory which a gentleman might copy for himself .
27 Three of the five patients treated with IV cyclosporin had a remission and one of these three had a relapse nine months later while receiving azathioprine .
28 She might , as in 1986–7 , have to import 8 million tonnes of cereals , amounting to about 40 per cent of urban consumption , or , as in 1988/9 have a surplus of 3 million tonnes which could not be transported , and thus sold , to deficit countries .
29 Very obviously when this town was designed and laid out and nobody foresaw the growth of the private motor car , er today private motor car is accepted , but in a town which was built perhaps the idea that one in twenty would own a motor car and we 're now faced with the probably one in three have a motor car , we 're now faced with a problem which can only detract from life in the town , also the fact that huge lorries are passing through what were envisaged as quiet residential neighbourhoods with a consequent breaking of curbs and of paving stones where the lorries are compelled to mount the pavings in order to get round parked cars and things of that nature it detracts from the life in Harlow I do , I think a considerable extent , erm , the other factor is that there 's become a lack of pride in the town by the people who live in it , this is seen from the amount of rubbish , and refuse that is dropped from the minor vandalism that goes on the graffiti , er particularly in underpasses where people are walking to the town centre and that , those are the things where the town has lost its way , when we first came here you never saw bits of paper and packages from sweets and cigarettes and things , perhaps maybe because the package industry has developed over the years and that er whereas whenever we had responsibility for taking a small child out , if it had sweets it was encouraged to put the wrappings in its pocket until it got home , now of course it 's encouraged to drop it just where it wants to and er this not only applies to children , some of the worst culprits are the adults who leave the , leave the public houses with a can of beer to drink on the way home and drop it just when they 've finished the last drop of beer or the fish and chip paper 's just dropped .
30 Wilcox provided a useful analysis of African press philosophies in thirty-four independent sub-Saharan black states , of which twenty-seven have a press that is predominantly government-owned .
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