Example sentences of "[num] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had been painted in 1876 and showed an older and more ethereal poet , his head rising , as is common with Watts 's portraits , from a vague dark column of a body into a spiritual light .
2 This picture offers us a useful parallel with the Handel portrait dating from about 1728 and has the same kind of confidential candour .
3 A majority of 10 EC Foreign Ministers rejected the Netherlands draft at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 30 and demanded the reinstatement of the earlier Luxembourg text .
4 He was described as being about 30 and wearing a diamond patterned jumper .
5 The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal expectation of life .
6 10 What is the smallest number that can be divided by 1 8 or 30 and leave the remainder 5 ?
7 These , and a series of 2–2–2 type machines with inside cylinders , continued to be built until 1895 and hauled the principal express trains .
8 This has been locked with seven locks since 1867 and contains the coronation jewels from the 14C .
9 To book , call Ticketmaster on 01-379 4444 and mention The Independent offer before Thursday 12 October .
10 The Nazis polled over seventeen million votes on 5 March 1933 and began the transformation of Germany into a totalitarian state .
11 He was elected lord mayor of Liverpool for 1916–17 and became an alderman in 1921 .
12 This artist 's impression is said to be a good likeness of the attacker who 's thought to be in his late 30s and has a pot belly .
13 After that maryed to William Lambarde , Gent the 28th July 1583 and died the 1st Sept. 1587 , leaving on lyve by William Dalyson , Sylvestre , a daughter and Maximillian a son ; and by William Lambarde , Multon , a son , Margaret a daughter and Gore and Fane sonnes and twins " .
14 We are told CBR = 330 and given the starting population in 1987 , the bold figures are projected .
15 He was knighted in 1885 and created a baronet later the same year .
16 With n set to 12 and using a 1097 word dictionary , the word hypothesizer typically finds two correct words bottom-up .
17 Avtar , who arrived in England aged 12 and speaking no English , spent two years working with community radio in Los Angeles .
18 In Goa the new Chief Minister , Ravi S. Naik [ see p. 37964 ] , expanded his ministry on Feb. 12 and won a vote of confidence in the state legislative assembly on Feb. 18 .
19 The expression for the reduced osmotic pressure has already been derived in section 8.7 and has the form where the limiting form , valid only at infinite dilution , is
20 He travelled in France in 1788 , 1789 and 1790 and founded the Farmers ' Club in 1794 .
21 He or she may now buy 5 per cent of the equity of the ungeared firm , ABC Ltd , for 12,500 and receive an expected return of 2,000 [ ( 0.05 ) ( 40,000 ) ] .
22 Christine de Pizan was born in 1365 and wrote The Book of the City of Ladies in 1405 ; the battle for women 's right to equal education took a long time to win .
23 Wendy was twenty-one and wore an apricot-coloured shortie nightie in brushed nylon .
24 The team won the first leg 2-1 and drew the second leg in Belfast on Wednesday night to qualify for the first round of the tournament .
25 The Manx Electric Railway will be celebrating its Centenary in 1993 and to mark the occasion , one of the events planned is STEAM WORKING on the route from Lexey to Dhoon Quarry .
26 I now write to confirm the contents of our meeting on 18 January 1993 and provide the information requested by you .
27 In December 1989 Nikolai Ryzhkov , the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , had won approval from the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies for a programme intended to achieve economic recovery by 1993 and to introduce a " socialist market economy " by 1995 [ see p. 37127 ] .
28 ‘ And a-von and a-two and a-von and a-two and leeft ze back foot high and a-von and a-two , ’ said the ancient instructor as the geriatric circle slow-motion goose-stepped its way round and round the circle like an animated ( but not very ) roundabout .
29 Serbia was occupied in 1439 and became a Turkish province , but Murad 's siege of Belgrade in 1440 was repulsed by the Hungarians .
30 Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which introduced the quota system , amended article 100 of the Act of Accession 1972 and formed an important part of the Act of Accession 1985 .
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