Example sentences of "[num] year ' time " in BNC.

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1 The spread of owner occupation means that , in 30 years ' time , between 70% and 90% of households are likely to inherit a property .
2 Industrialists have to market their new products without knowing what will happen in 30 years ' time , although accelerated weathering or ageing tests may give some idea .
3 I do not know the latest medical prognosis of how long he will live , but perhaps he is hoping not to be around in 30 years ' time when the papers become available .
4 I do n't think the consumer would ev say that and I think sometimes one forgets er people forget the consumer I mean the erm er but obviously by us going onto the Hong Kong route we are going to reduce British Airways and Cathay Pacific 's profits on that route considerably , we we think that because our costs are considerably less than British Airways , and I suspect considerably less than Cathay Pacific , that the player that er could be around in thirty or forty years ' time is Virgin Atlantic .
5 For instance , on the basis of last year 's births , we can make a fairly accurate assessment of the number of first-year secondary school places required in 11 or 12 years ' time , because this depends mainly on fairly stable child mortality patterns .
6 Sixty-five per cent of the economy will remain in state hands in six years ' time and workers will no longer elect managers .
7 In fairness none of them appeared at the Berlin show that began only two days after Paris , a show signalling a new frontier for the German manufacturers , who may just , in 10 years ' time , give the French as much to think about as the Japanese do .
8 As Western governments struggle from decision to decision , making up instant policies as they react , the need is for vision and imagination : a willingness to think the previously unthinkable , to sort out in their minds what sort of Europe they would like to have created in 10 years ' time .
9 It will fail to ask the rather broader and much more important question about retailing : how is the great British public likely to be doing its shopping in five or 10 years ' time ?
10 It is only the baseline from which a repeat exercise can be carried out , in seven to 10 years ' time .
11 Undaunted by Sony 's arrival in the market , the New Zealander thinks that the electronic stills camera will be the size of a credit-card calculator in 10 years ' time .
12 If we do the same tests in 10 years ' time , we almost certainly will not get the same set of results . ’
13 In 10 years ' time as mainframes become more powerful , he reckons , this figure is more likely to be 500 .
14 No seat on the board in 10 years ' time ! ’
15 My husband who earns good money , gets a pension in 10 years ' time and he says we 'll return then .
16 Work out how many woodlice you will have in 10 years ' time if they continue to multiply at this rate .
17 I do not want to know what she intends doing in a year 's time or in 10 years ' time , because she will not be in government then .
18 They should look at the Europe that will exist in five or 10 years ' time , at a Community with 18 or 20 members and perhaps even more , and at the interests that we have in common — security , defence , foreign policy , the environment , prosperity and peace in the world .
19 Using the following information about three government bonds with the same maturity date ( in 10 years ' time ) , calculate the spot yield for year 10 ( assuming annual coupon payments ) :
20 The American experience makes it reasonable to expect that , as the effects of the new advertisements and quotations regulations take hold , awareness of typical APRs will slowly climb so that in maybe seven or eight years ' time most people do have a reasonable idea of them .
21 Japanese car company , Mazda , has produced a hydrogen-powered prototype vehicle , which it claims could go into production in eight years ' time .
22 But in fifty years ' time we could be saying well did Jane pick the right one ?
23 The ‘ now ’ here instead corresponds to the ‘ now ’ on & alpha Centauri in 4.5 years ' time , because that is how long it takes light to get from here to there .
24 The real boost for cellular radio will come in two to three years ' time with the introduction of the Europe-wide service , GSM .
25 But in three years ' time Sainsbury will hit the North Sea .
26 ‘ In three years ' time we might have still been in very good shape but we must take steps to protect the UK as a manufacturing base . ’
27 We shall know a great deal more about such matters in two or three years ' time , if money can be raised to commission an end-of-the-century version of The Architect and his Office .
28 Will this extraordinary advertising culture by just as visible in two or three years ' time ?
29 In three years ' time it is likely that everything in the country , including rugby ticket prices , will have escalated by 45 per cent .
30 But King He can expect to be freed in three years ' time but Don King is convinced the former champion 's conviction will be overturned at a forthcoming appeal .
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