Example sentences of "[num] year ['s] work " in BNC.

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1 After more than 30 years ' work at Wharram Percy , it is possible to give a general account of what happened on the site , and , in view of the detailed work there , this may have implications for studies elsewhere .
2 ‘ It has taken a long 10 years ' work to get Australia to where we are now yet it can disappear so quickly .
3 In a business that was headed by someone virtually at war with his entire family over their moral misdemeanours , this was a wise decision and brought Mr Smith fifty years ' work .
4 The attitude of Charles Barry and the classical delegation hardened Scott 's resolve not to throw away over three years ' work and play into their hands by resigning .
5 The company says it will be running some time this year , after more than three years ' work .
6 After three years ' work he submitted a draft only to have it irrevocably vetoed without any intelligible reasons given or any consideration of amendment .
7 Confirmed early in the year , the order came as a result of two to three years ' work .
8 After three years ' work the last consignment of nuclear fuel rods has been removed .
9 Geest launched its new product , which is peeled , cored , trimmed and packed in a special container , on the Scottish market yesterday after three years ' work on the process .
10 The workers feel the package is derisory , particularly as they have accepted minimum wage rises over the past few years and Yarrow has at least three years ' work on its books .
11 He 's been able to start up again , but the painful end of 11 years ' work does n't fade .
12 After drumming as a semi-professional in the 1960s , Stan took a degree as a mature student at Birmingham University , leading to ten years ' work as a careers officer , In 1979 Stan became the Musicians ' Union 's South-East district organizer , and subsequently the Central London branch secretary and co-editor of the union 's award-winning Musician magazine .
13 Nicholson , while rejecting Corman as his ‘ mentor ’ gladly acknowledges the start and subsequent ten years ' work he gave him .
14 The construction of four 900-MWe units at a single site involves ten years ' work and up to 6000 people .
15 At the Jeu de Paume until the 11th is the last ten year 's work of Martin Barre , who is also showing a coherent group of gouaches from 1957 to 1960 at Barbier-Beltz until 17 April .
16 The Indian Christian Art Association ( ICAA ) is celebrating more than ten year 's work encouraging and bringing together Christian artists from throughout the country .
17 The dam , completed in 1890 after nine years ' work , is 390yds long and 127′ thick at the base .
18 The call came from the director general of the Office of Fair Trading , Sir Gordon Borrie , in a hard-hitting review of this 16 years ' work , at a recent Institute of Directors ' branch meeting .
20 After five years ' work , Olivier was certain of only two things : that the population , even at the highest estimate , was by no means enough to ensure the eventual survival of the species ; and that the figures henceforward would be on the way down rather than up .
21 Taurus , a computer project that was to have delivered paperless share settlement , was scrapped in March after five years ' work and a £400m ( $150m ) outlay by the City .
22 Similarly , the entry cost for new mini-computers used to be $25 million and five years ' work , but has now fallen to below $5 million and one year .
23 The study draws together the results of five years ' work by the investigator and the findings of the ESRC 's extensive research programme in this field to provide the first comprehensive account of central-local relationships in the UK for nearly twenty years .
24 Are you female , aged 23-35 , with a degree or equivalent professional qualification , a good working knowledge of French and at least one year 's work experience ?
25 In 1980 , after only one year 's work with the ‘ entry ’ year of pupil intake ( the 12/13 year olds ) , the seventeen existing staff were asked to submit a written appraisal of their work .
26 That contract was for ten albums , which , at Oldfield 's work rate , could amount to fifteen to twenty years ' work .
27 In twenty years ' work on the Mesozoic Brachiopoda , I have found plenty of relationships , but few if any evolving lineages .
28 After nearly 40 years ' work almost all are now fully and beautifully restored .
29 Under the social security reforms , announced on Sept. 6 , various separate pension funds including two virtually bankrupt state funds were to be merged into the heavily indebted state welfare organization IKA ; the retirement age was to be raised in 1998 to 58 for women and to 60 for men ( women being currently eligible for a pension after 15 years ' work and men after 25 years ) .
30 15s. a year in 1889 from their Society for Aged or Infirm Baptist Ministers ; Wesleyan retired ministers , after thirty years ' work , got $44 p.a .
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