Example sentences of "[num] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 drink the H 2 O. All very proud we now have
2 By a notice of appeal dated 22 March 1991 the defendants appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that the judge erred ( 1 ) in following the decision of Browne J. in Bognor Regis Urban District Council v. Campion [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 even though he was rightly unable to accept the basis on which Browne J. had distinguished the decision of the Divisional Court in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ; ( 2 ) in holding that Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Co .
3 By Colin Gibson Liverpool 2 Wimbledon 3 MAYBE it was predictable that at the end of a week of distractions for Liverpool , Wimbledon should benefit at Anfield last night .
4 Fairburn died in London 12 October 1945 following a heart attack .
5 After discussions with its auditors , the oil company has decided to adopt the successful efforts method of accounting for oil and gas expenditure for the current financial year to 30 September 1992 instead of the full cost method .
6 The era of the Spirit in which Christians may exult ( 2 Cor. 3 throughout ) leads inescapably to the rejection the hardship , perplexity and physical sufferings of which the apostle speaks in chapter four , for he carries about in his body the death of Jesus , so that the life of Jesus may shine through his personality ( 2 Cor. 4:103 .
7 The hatters were constrained in 1749 by 22 George II c. 27 , and the watch makers in 1754 by 27 George II c. 7 .
8 When 44E and 48E were overhauled on 1 March 1934 and 12 April 1934 respectively , they received L.C.C .
9 On 22 June 168 BC Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeated King Perseus of Macedon at the Battle of Pydna .
10 43 Longer Boards 16 Tiga Fun Cup 4 Tiga Spirit , 8 Tiga Swift 10 Prima 3 HiFly 500 , 2 HiFly 750 24 Short Boards 12 Tiga Power Jybe 6 Tiga 280 , 2 Tiga 260 4 Custom boards 81 Sails from 3.8 to 6.1 sq m 20 Powerhead ( 4.0–5.0 ) 40 Fully battened 3.8–6.1 18 RAF & Camber , 4.2–5.7
11 All come with from 16Mb to 128Mb RAM , 400Mb to 2Gb disk , Power Gt3i graphics , 19″ colour monitor and are rated at 40.5 , 48.4 and 59.8 SPECint 92 and 81.6 , 97.0 and 118.2 SPECfp 92 respectively .
12 The desktop machines , which come with up to 256Mb memory RAM , 400Mb to 2Gb disk , are rated at 48.4 and 59.8 SPECint 92 and 97.0 and 118.2 SPECfp 92 respectively .
13 The Congregational Union 's executive cabled to Washington on 7 January 1896 also urging a peaceful settlement .
14 The launching of Dreadnought on 10 February 1906 both infuriated and dismayed the Germans , who at once deepened the Kiel Canal and widened its locks to accommodate larger , more powerful vessels .
15 However , apart from references to this by the local residents , an internal memorandum from the borough engineer dated 26 January 1983 expressly refers to 24-hour operation .
16 We were told that Mr. Oyston 's action was settled on 7 October 1991 following a statement in open court , by an apology made to Mr. Oyston and the payment of damages and costs .
17 Sacked by the Saracens 10 October 881 AD , huge abbey church found by British School
18 Both the Dark Age Benedictine monastery and the church were sacked by the Saracens on 10 October 881 AD , as recorded in the twelfth-century Chronicon Vulturnense .
19 They waded ashore on the Polynesian atoll of Raroia on 7 August 1947 just over three months after leaving Peru .
20 A notable feature of the Maya calendar was the era known as the ‘ Long Count ’ , a day-count which began from a conventional starting-point believed to be 10 August 3113 BC according to our calendar .
21 When he appeared in the Home Circuit Court at Kingston before Theobalds J. on 26 September 1983 both counsel invited the judge to see them in chambers and he agreed to do so .
22 The sequence of events following Mozart 's hurried departure from Paris on 26 September 1778 nearly drove Leopold to distraction .
23 A Council resolution of 7 June 1991 also emphasised separately the importance it attached to the training of arts administrators and agreed to encourage existing initiatives in this area at a European level .
24 He came to the conclusion that the Young-Avestan calendar was introduced on 21 March 503 BC. ( 21 March is the ‘ Gregorian ’ date ; the corresponding ‘ Julian ’ date would be 27 March . )
25 If she delays beyond 31 December 1994 then the 31 December 1993 accounts will incur a late filing penalty in addition to interest arising on any underpaid tax at 1 October 1994 .
26 St Nicholas Church , Duke Road Thurs 21 May 1 p.m. ( approx 35 mins ) £2.50
27 Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as ‘ Red Friday ’ .
28 The two systems come with from 4Gb to 37Gb disk — the 980B has eight additional expansion slots — and are rated at 47.8 and 59.2 SPECint 92 and 101.0 and 124.8 SPECfp 92 respectively .
29 The foreign ministers of the three Indo-Chinese regimes met on 5 January 1980 just before a visit to Hanoi by the Malaysian Foreign Minister .
30 This is a difficult exemption and may well cause the Capital Taxes Office much heartache ( see Standing Committee House of Commons Debate , Standing Committee A Finance Bill , 5 February 1975 especially cols 868 and 867 ; Attorney General for Northern Ireland v Heron ( 1959 ) 38 ATC 3 ; Dymond 's Capital Taxes , paras 13.319 – 320 ; McCutcheon on Inheritance Tax 3rd edn , section 3 – 13 and the Revenue Booklet IHT 1 , para 76 ) .
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