Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Seven or eight hours later the 20-page script would be finished and the Teacher 's depleted .
2 Seven or eight months later a customer booked a holiday , relying on an old unamended copy of the brochure .
3 EIGHT months ago the conservative Daily Telegraph seemed a happy media parable of modern Britain .
4 Tobacco advertising through sponsorship and billboards had been waiting like the last prisoners on death row for eight months following a cabinet announcement in April 1992 that the end of their last ditch stand was nigh .
5 Eleven months later the new Secretary of State said that he was equally committed to a very substantial expansion in student numbers , and stated that the government 's plans were for an increase of 50,000 by 1993 .
6 Thirty-six hours later the Big Man himself arrived by Air Malai DC-10 .
7 Just 30 minutes later the westerly switched itself off — just like that , as the man said — and we had to motor sail for the rest of the voyage .
8 The retired management consultant , of Kingsmead Avenue , Worcester Park , Surrey , thanked the jury for its verdicts , reached after just 30 minutes following a three-day trial at Southwark Crown Court .
9 She should also swim for 30 minutes once a week and do my video Thighs , Tums & Bums 1-2 times a week .
10 They do n't wait for 30 minutes once a week . ’
11 Forty minutes later the small plane , now over its weight limit , due to the extra passengers , clawed its way into the sky , its two , turbo-charged , 220 horsepower engines screaming at full power , and headed northwards at eleven thousand feet towards Canada and its overnight destination of Goose Bay , Labrador .
12 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
13 Perspective conjoined — obscure dimensions amalgamated , over forty hours later the ‘ collage ’ or is it a ‘ montage ’ , becomes a single unit .
14 Campbell 's survey of London trades in 1747 lists only a handful of female crafts all paid wages well below male trades .
15 Does the Secretary of State notice that 12 months ago every vacant job in Wales was chased by nine unemployed people but that by last month 13 unemployed people were chasing each vacancy ?
16 The following points should be noted about partial offers : ( 1 ) The offeror and its concert parties must not buy shares in the target during the partial offer period , neither must they , or any new concert parties , purchase shares for a period of 12 months following a successful partial offer without the Panel 's consent ( Rule 36.3 ) ( although consent will normally be given where the partial offer has resulted in a holding carrying less than 30 per cent of the voting rights ( note 2 ) ) .
17 The remaining five had all been on suspension for about 12 months following an incident which resulted in police and internal disciplinary inquiries .
18 This is to prevent the offeror from acquiring more shares than he bid for under the partial offer , and shareholders in the target from receiving more favourable treatment from the offeror by selling in the market during the 12 months following the partial bid .
19 It is important to determine whether Bcl-2 blocks c-Myc-induced proliferation as well as apoptosis : the synergy between c-Myc and Bcl-2 can easily be rationalized if Bcl-2 blocks only the apoptotic function of c-Myc and leaves its mitogenic activity unaffected .
20 In previous years the selection of the carnival queen had been organised by elimination contests in the town and surrounding villages , but 30 years ago the committee asked that young ladies should send in a copy of a recent photograph .
21 However , over 30 years ago the theorist Paul Dirac suggested the possible existence of particles carrying single magnetic poles or ‘ charges ’ — in other words , magnetic monopoles .
22 In post-war years , from a maximum of 58 million passengers in 1950 , a steady decline has set in , so that 30 years later the annual total was only 8½ million .
23 2 years ago the total was just under 8,000 .
24 2 years later the CTs of 89 patients from local hospitals were reviewed .
25 Forty years ago a Sunderland shirt-maker married a shipyard pattern-maker .
26 Forty years ago the population was under 20,000 but now it is seven times that .
27 Forty years ago the population was under 20,000 but now it is seven times that .
28 Forty years ago the Theatre Collection was founded as a research centre for staff and students in the Drama Department .
29 Nearly forty years ago the great historian and wise commentator on contemporary events , E. H. Carr , published a series of broadcast talks called The New Society ( long since out of print ) .
30 Forty years ago the National Health Service was almost the only establishment they could turn to .
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