Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [unc] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Only last week , the last time I sat in court er there was an instance of one individual who had had twelve cautions in a period of eight months er he was still a youth so his name obviously can not be divulged , erm and it 's not only the cautions , I wonder how many warnings he 'd received as well .
2 But I think I 've got to get in and I 've got to think well this next six months erm I 've got ta work hard to get in regardless of whether I go voluntary or whether I go to a hospital and learn it at me own you know , expense .
3 Er I think twenty six years er they made it er they made it , you know .
4 more than sixty feet long and erm over the last two or three years er I 've made a patio at the bottom , right the whole width of the garden
5 Three years int it , a student ?
6 If we 've agreed all those three things er we also erm er recognize the need to erm advise people or guide people on how advertising 's sold .
7 And probably it was cold weather they would have two or three coats er you know .
8 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
9 Er there are three points erm I 'd like to make .
10 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
11 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
12 Well we have 5 questions er I 'll go through them if you like .
13 So we 're l , we 're l , we 're looking at a couple of the options to see , you know , how much will it cost to actually put the money on the policy rather than going to the effort of writing it out , and it 's gon na cost about two hundred thousand pounds just to do that , erm and that , we need , we need to weigh that up with the cost of actually dealing with ten thousand letters to clients , ten thousand enquiries erm I just wondered what your thoughts were on how we should proceed .
14 Now , we while you 're here you know wha just to sort of ten minutes erm I mean Ian 's produced these sheets
15 So erm first of all for for we 've had a cha chat for about ten minutes erm I have no problem in thinking you can do this job .
16 I 've been waiting here for ten minutes = I 'm waiting here ten minutes
17 Do you know that in the last twelve months er we 've produced or the office has produced , twelve hundred twelve hundred reports to committees at an average cost of six hundred pounds each and that 's just in officer time in writing them , nothing to do with the paper they were printed on , the cost of printing , the cost of distribution , the cost of our time to discuss them and our attendance allowance .
18 That 's for twelve months int it ?
19 And actually that 's quite a good budget to do sort of er four or five weeks er you know caravanning a year .
20 Er and much of what I 'm going to say today in the next twenty minutes i it 's bound in here , so there 's no need to take notes .
21 I 've only gone since er , erm you know I say Michael 'd be seventeen you know , it must be like twenty years er you know .
22 I can not believe the amount of injury time actually , you see if I put a record on at half past eight they 'll have finished bang on half past eight but er the fact that I carry on rabbiting and telling you about the quiz competition three or four times er they decide to play plenty of injury time .
23 Erm and if it 's not it 's er I 'm not going to deny the fact that some people say you know this has been good for me for the last eighteen months erm I 'm er I 'm used to being self employed I 'm going to stay that way but I 'm looking at other avenues .
24 Yeah , well that 's just , that 's just two words th it 's actually saying three different things .
25 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
26 Erm the training course er as I said two days er I 'll count it as a full training course .
27 Okay so once again over four years erm you unfortunately the company went into liquidation .
28 it 's been going around and around here for the last four days er I bet it 's been coming round the block up this street about eight to ten times a day , I du n no what 's it doing , the up here
29 Erm I was n't quite certain of the wife 's P H I there was something about twelve months and she was getting a hundred and thirty pounds er I , I lost it because I was looking at the clock at the same , I must confess but erm
30 Erm and so I , I believe that er the resolution in fact on the order paper will stand er and if we were to remove the first two lines er of Mr 's erm resolution that the County Council he represents if necessary that in a full , a full public enquiry into the fifth terminial at Heathrow , if we get that and graft on the rest of his words er to the resolution er on the Chairman er that will do two things er it reads er the quality of our Officers are suggesting and it picks up again a very important comments er that he makes er regarding post , er , er something that is public erm , er and that it , it meets media and the other improve that 's something for the district office report .
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