Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The announcement in the Medium Term Financial Strategy ( MTFS ) in the 1980 budget of monetary targets — which would fall year by year ( see Table 8.3 ) — was also regarded as a means of lowering the expectations of wage bargainers .
2 Originally these powers were largely advisory , although it could always sack the Commission and throw out the annual budget by a two-thirds majority of all its members .
3 A two-thirds majority of eligible voters would again be required .
4 All future transfers of sovereignty to the EC would require approval by a two-thirds majority of both houses .
5 Only three achieved the required two-thirds majority of 694 votes .
6 The Labour Party argued that a two-thirds majority of those voting , or a simple majority of those on the register , should be required , and the National Union of Teachers went even further with its suggestion that opting out should be allowed only if two-thirds of those on the register approved it .
7 Any impeachment would need the approval of a two-thirds majority of those actually present in the Congress .
8 The House voted in favour by 280 to 153 , nine votes short of the required two-thirds majority of those voting within the 435-member chamber .
9 The new principle of a two-thirds majority of those present , as it were a head count — without discriminating between them as to worth , age and weightiness — was undoubtedly responsible for Lothar 's election .
10 the second anniversary of the preceding general election being reached without an election being called under any of paragraphs ( a ) through ( f ) , provided that : ( i ) in exceptional circumstances , the Federal Executive may postpone such an election for no more than one year by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting ; and ( ii ) this paragraph ( g ) shall not apply if the Leader is a member of the Government .
11 Faced with growing hostility or boredom over Europe , M Mitterrand threatened at the weekend to hold a referendum if the two parliamentary chambers do not give him a two-thirds majority for constitutional changes .
12 At last year 's annual meeting , 60 per cent of members supported the committee 's plea for change ; they will again seek the requisite two-thirds majority at Old Trafford on December 9 .
13 Finland : the Eduskunta , voting on Oct. 26 , exceeded the required two-thirds majority with 154 in favour , 12 ( Finnish Rural Party and Greens ) against and 32 abstentions .
14 The General Synod of the Church of England on Nov. 11 approved , with the necessary two-thirds majority in each of its three houses , a measure to permit the ordination of women priests .
15 But final approval in 1991 will require a two-thirds majority in all three houses — bishops , clergy and laity .
16 There must be a two-thirds majority in all the Synod 's three houses of Bishops , Clergy and Laity .
17 The President would ( i ) submit to the Congress of People 's Deputies annual reports on the state of the country , and would brief the USSR Supreme Soviet " on the most important matters of the USSR 's domestic and foreign policy " ; ( ii ) propose to the USSR Supreme Soviet ( and subsequently to the Congress for confirmation ) candidates for the posts of the Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , Chair of the USSR Committee of People 's Control , Chair of the USSR Supreme Court , USSR Procurator General and USSR Chief State Arbiter , as well as recommend to the USSR Supreme Soviet and to the Congress the removal of these officials ( with the exception of the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court ) ; ( iii ) place before the USSR Supreme Soviet the question of forcing or of accepting the resignation of the USSR Council of Ministers , and would appoint and remove in conjunction with the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers members of that body ( subject to confirmation by the USSR Supreme Soviet ) ; ( iv ) sign USSR laws , being entitled within a period of no more than two weeks to refer a law and objections to it back to the USSR Supreme Soviet for further discussion and voting ( should the USSR Supreme Soviet confirm its earlier decision by a two-thirds majority in both its chambers the President would be obliged to sign the law ) ; ( v ) enjoy the right to suspend the operation of USSR Council of Ministers resolutions and instructions ; and ( vi ) propose to the Congress of People 's Deputies the dissolution and re-election of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the event of an irreconcilable dispute over legislation arising between that body 's two chambers .
18 The new regulations , requiring a two-thirds majority in both houses of parliament , were expected to be enacted in the first half of 1993 and would bring German immigration and asylum provisions broadly in line with those of other West European countries .
19 Now , an amendment to an ICAO agenda requires a two-thirds majority in plenary session , and we were but three European States who wished to put this through .
20 By deepening the partisan rift , the Thomas affair also cast its shadow over the Senate 's attempt to override the President , which failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority by two votes on Oct. 16 .
21 Clearing the required two-thirds majority by 374 votes to one , with 11 abstentions , the law removed references to the leading role of the PUWP , changed the country 's formal name from the Polish People 's Republic ( in use since 1947 ) to the Polish Republic , and restored ( from Feb. 9 , 1990 ) the pre-war national emblem of a crowned white eagle in a red field .
22 If the basic source of power was fossil fuel , no amount of efficiency was enough to reduce CO 2 emissions to the 1986 level of 11 million tonnes per year — equivalent to 3 million tonnes of carbon — as Sweden has promised .
23 Under a timetable worked out by the country 's Environmental Protection Administration , consumption will be cut by 30 per cent of the 1986 level of 10,159 tons by 1992 , by 50 per cent in 1993 , 80 per cent in 1994 and 85 per cent in 1995 .
24 I have a 1974 109 Safari with 6 cylinder petrol engine .
25 With the restrictions firms accepted , industrial sales grew very slowly and , after falling in the later years of the War , did not again reach the 1943 level until 1949 .
26 By autumn 1986 responsibility for criminal prosecutions will have been transferred from the police to a new Crown Prosecution Service staffed by lawyers under the control of the Director of Public Prosecutions .
27 Stephen Campbell can work on an eight foot by eight foot canvas a week , a phenomenal speed !
28 The measurements are eight foot by nine foot .
29 The UK is committed to reducing sulphur dioxide emissions to 60% of the 1980 level by 2003 .
30 For those with jobs , salaries remained at the 1980 level until 1985 , while inflation rose .
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