Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who can help to recover it should contact either John on 271293 or the police on 221151 .
2 The new appointments , all made at the end of 1861 or the beginning of 1862 , bespoke a regime that was about to make further changes .
3 ( ii ) has had a bankruptcy order made against him or has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors or has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 or is or has been a director of a company in respect of which an administration order under Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986 or a winding-up order has been made or in respect of which a resolution for voluntary winding up has been passed or which has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 or in respect of which a person has been appointed receiver or administrative receiver ; or
4 Section 433 is concerned with the admissibility in evidence of a special class of document derived from insolvency in , as the section provides ‘ any proceedings ’ ( whether or not under the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Theft Act 1968 ) .
5 This is not the place to summarize the rest of the curriculum debate and many important documents , whether from HMI ( Curriculum 11–16 in 1977 , A View of the Curriculum in 1980 ) or the DES ( A Framework for the School Curriculum in 1980 or The Organization and Content of the 5–16 Curriculum in 1984 ) : Chapter 1.1 provides some detail .
6 Picks : either a Tortex 74 or a Clayton 74–77 .
7 So I mean you do n't want to go di di down to a size eight or a size ten , cos I think you 'd feel
8 For further details of properties at Longwood Park , contact sales negotiator Chris on 0925 210695 or the Redrow sales office on 0244 520044 .
9 USL must wait for OSF/DCE 1.0.3 for this and is hoping to have something out at the end of 1993 or the beginning of 1994 .
10 First , on the general anti-fraud provisions contained in the Securities Act 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act 1934 ( SEA ) , as developed by case law ; and second , on what has recently emerged as the SEC 's new and potentially most potent weapon — the misappropriation theory .
11 Curtailment of the holiday by your premature return to the UK as a result of a claim under section 1 , 2 or the illness or injury of a covered relative .
12 An IAEA spokesman , David Kyd , said in Vienna on Sept. 30 that the inspection team , which resumed its inspection of weapons sites on Sept. 29 , had found " tangible evidence " of " Iraqi interest in a detonation system for a nuclear device " as well as documents identifying foreign companies which had supplied Iraq 's nuclear programme .
13 A further sign of an easing of the deadlock was the announcement on July 30 that the government had " no objection " to the international monitoring of a general strike scheduled to take place on Aug. 3-4 [ see below ] , thus partially conceding another ANC demand .
14 It was announced on Sept. 30 that the Exxon Corporation had reached final agreement with the Alaskan and US federal governments on a criminal fine of US$150,000,000 ( $25,000,000 of which was suspended ) and damage payments resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 .
15 Soviet officials assembled for the Malta summit meeting between President Bush of the USA and President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union on Dec. 2-3 ( see pp. 37110-12 ) confirmed on Nov. 30 that the Warsaw Pact was to be remodelled along the lines of NATO , and would become an instrument for political dialogue with the Western nations .
16 Finnish Foreign Minister Pertti Salolainen , leading the EFTA side since Finland had taken on the rotating EFTA chairmanship on July 1 , confirmed on July 30 that the talks would restart in September .
17 British Steel originally announced on January 30 that the shipments would go by road after March 31 because increased costs meant that the rail service was no longer viable .
18 Meanwhile , it was reported on May 30 that the majlis had re-elected as its Speaker Ayatollah Mehdi Karrubi , a vocal opponent of closer relations with the United States .
19 It was announced on March 30 that the USSR Supreme Soviet had set up a USSR Union Republican State Committee for the Nationalities Question " to improve state administration in the sphere of national development and inter-ethnic relations " .
20 Before his departure to the USA Cristiani announced on Jan. 30 that the curfew imposed on Nov. 12 [ see p. 37037 ] would be lifted on Feb. 1 .
21 Sir Leon Brittan , the EC Commissioner responsible for competition policy , had said on Aug. 30 that the Commission would consider opening up membership of the unified financial services market to members of the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) ; he stressed , however , the need for reciprocal liberalization in those countries ( Switzerland and most of Scandinavia imposing tight limits on the extent of foreign shareholdings in their domestic companies ) .
22 UN officials confirmed on July 30 that the UN had cut its 1991 rehabilitation budget for Afghanistan from US$136,000,000 to $105,000,000 .
23 The UK Environment Secretary , Michael Howard , announced on April 30 that the target for stabilizing carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels had been brought forward from 2005 to 2000 , thereby bringing it into line with the EC position .
24 The change became necessary when the Federal Constitutional Court ruled on Sept. 30 that an agreement reached in August 1990 [ see p. 37661 ] was unconstitutional .
25 ( For example , the majority of County authorities have an establishment under 300 although the County ‘ average ’ is over 300 ) .
26 It was announced on Feb. 22 that a government inquiry into the position of former East German Prime Minister Lothar De Maizière , who had been obliged to resign from the German Cabinet in December 1990 because of alleged connections with the Stasi [ see p. 37905 ] , had failed to prove that De Maizière had spied for the Stasi .
27 Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo announced on July 22 that an agreement which the government had signed with the " Paris Club " group of creditor countries would allow Argentina to restructure part of its official debt .
28 Speaking on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) , the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd said on Sept. 22 that the EC would support Boutros-Ghali 's proposal for a peacekeeping reserve fund , adding that at end-August EC member countries had provided 40 per cent of contributions collected for various peacekeeping operations since the end of the last General Assembly .
29 The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office announced on March 22 that the UK and Czechoslovakia would co-operate in trying to find out the ultimate destination of the Semtex which had been exported to Libya .
30 It was announced on Jan. 22 that the United Kingdom was to return gold worth £90,000,000 ( US$160 million ) which had been deposited at the Bank of England before the annexation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union in 1940 .
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