Example sentences of "[num] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1943 the Town and Country Planning ( Interim Development ) Bill received the Royal Assent , legislation which effectively extended planning control to the whole of the country not so far covered by a planning scheme .
2 In 1861 the statistician and economist Cournot observed that ‘ the belief in philosophic truth has cooled off to such an extent that neither the public nor the academies any longer like to receive or to welcome works of this kind , except as products of pure scholarship or historical curiosity . ’
3 In 1736 the Conservator and Supervisor of the Forest of Dean had reported to the Treasury , ‘ Within the last thirty years those Elections [ of Forest officers ] had been neglected , the Courts discontinued , and offenders left unpunished . ’
4 0702 The sale and purchase agreement
5 The next morning at 7.30 the cast and crew were called to board the Bounty for filming at sea .
6 5.11.2 the preparation and service of a notice under the Law of Property Act 1925 section 146 or incurred by or in contemplation of proceedings under sections 146 or 147 of that Act notwithstanding that forfeiture is avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the court
7 5.11.2 the preparation and service of a notice under the Law of Property Act 1925 section 146 or incurred in proceedings under sections 146 and 147 of that Act notwithstanding that forfeiture is avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the court
8 In early 1986 the Research and Statistics branch of the Inner London Education Authority presented a study which had taken three and a half years to compile , based upon the schoolwork of 2000 pupils in 50 randomly selected primary schools .
9 For random instance , CBS/Fox has recently released ( £9.99 each ) not only Cronenberg 's 1986 The Fly and its far from negligible 1958 forerunner , but also the 1959 quick-buck sequel to the latter , Return Of The Fly , a collector 's item , though not necessarily in qualitative terms .
10 In late October 1341 the king and Archbishop Stratford were solemnly and publicly reconciled , and a record of the occasion describes Derby as ‘ mediator in the settlement ’ .
11 In 1935 the fact that an Election was anticipated had probably increased support for the Peace Ballot : but that was because the Aeon had steered clear of party politics .
12 6.2 The Lease and the counterpart shall be prepared by the Landlord 's Solicitors and an engrossment of the counterpart shall be delivered to the offices of the Tenant 's Solicitors at least [ 5 ] working days before the Completion Date Five working days is too short for most institutional tenants to execute and return documentation , particularly where the tenant 's solicitor has to check the engrossment against the agreed form attached to the agreement for lease .
13 In 1971 the Sketch and Mail merged .
14 However in 1971 the role and operation of the Fund underwent significant reform .
15 6.1 The Earth and the Moon
16 In grammar , putting a noun or noun equivalent beside another for the purpose of a more complete explanation or description , eg in The news that he had won surprised Tom , a young lad of eight the clause that he had won is in apposition to the noun news and the phrase a young lad of eight is in apposition to the noun Tom .
17 He established trading connections with the sultan of Kedah , by whom he was offered in 1771 the port and the coast as far as the island of Penang in return for help against the Bugis of Selangor .
18 5.6.3 The segmentation or preferred habitat theory
19 The Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 the question whether , in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Act of 1990 the computer which the person caused to perform any function with the required intent had to be a different computer from the one into which he intended to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein .
20 So it was that in 1972 the knowledge that consistency paid off , that concentration was necessary , that racing went to the prudent as well as to the bold began to pay off for Emerson .
21 It is twenty times faster , has a larger memory , is thousands of times more reliable , consumes the power of a light bulb rather than that of a locomotive , occupies 1/30,000 the volume and costs 1/10,000 as much .
22 In 1767 the import and movement of grain was freed from restrictions ; while the craft guilds were suppressed in 1770 and a great survey of landownership begun in 1781 .
23 From March 1993 the project and construction management activities of Wimpey Construction Management will operate in the UK under the Grove name as the Management Division of GROVE PROJECTS .
24 ( Pick out the parts of the book which make you think this. ) 2 The boy and the girl continue their argument , pointing out the parts of the book that back up what they are saying .
25 2 The property and finances of the firm
26 2 The Organization and Control of Schooling
27 2 The Practice and Third Parties
28 These are : 1 the differences between speech and writing ; 2 the nature and internal organisation of written texts ; 3 the processes of writing — and concomitant with this , the appreciation that for the purposes of teaching , the process is of prior importance to the product .
29 On April 30 the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministers held talks in Seoul at which it was agreed to relax restrictions currently applied to the 680,000 Koreans resident in Japan , many of whom were descendants of the 2,500,000 Koreans transported by the Japanese colonial administration for use as forced labour .
30 And in 1989–90 the Championship and Cup were accompanied by the Whitbread Merit Table — a unique treble .
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