Example sentences of "[num] [verb] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Data in Table 2 suggest that those with living brothers or sisters may be less likely to be admitted to a home .
2 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 12 reported that some 80 former student leaders who were active in the pro-democracy movement in the 1970s had formed a new political party , Pracha Dhamma .
3 The results displayed in Fig. 3.14 show that these subjects continued to orient to the light over the course of 16 ten-trial sessions .
4 Table 2 shows that this is well documented for Hodgkin 's disease .
5 and et all ( 362 , 355 & 359 ; 1993 showed that these organs ( among others ) are sites at which the virus multiplies during the often long latency period in AIDS , but more will have to be known of this process before it can be the basis of a routine assay .
6 Sub-paragraph 13 of paragraph 12 provided that all written statements made under caution should be in accordance with Annex D , paragraph 2 of which provided that where a person wished to write his own statement , he should be asked to write out and sign before so doing : ‘ I make this statement of my own free will .
7 The pool sequence ( Table 1 ) showed a predominant signal for proline at position 2 indicating that most peptides bound to HLA-B53 have this ‘ anchor ’ residue at position 2 .
8 The fundamental rule described in Chapter 2 ensures that each possible path in the tree which matches the input string will be followed up .
9 However , the small value of J 2 indicates that such departures are small , and therefore this tidal interaction will be weak .
10 A Ukrainian Defence Ministry statement of Jan. 2 said that all troops in Ukraine , except strategic nuclear forces , were directly subordinate to the Ukrainian President .
11 A Soviet Foreign Ministry statement of Nov. 30 said that such an action would set a " dangerous international precedent " .
12 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
13 Studies of a European customs union in 1947–8 suggested that this would demand a revolution in British economic practices without necessarily bringing dramatic results .
14 2 To show that these products are up to date and invaluable to the modern man or woman .
15 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
16 Figure 18–1 assumes that this capital charge c k is given by the vertical distance .
17 New research into the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 reveal that more radioactivity may have been released than originally thought .
18 Interim results for the first half to July 1991 revealed that this revamp was the only operation to increase sales and profits .
19 However , the Supreme Council of National Security ( SCNS ) on Jan. 26 announced that all aircraft would be " confiscated " and their pilots kept in custody , stressing that " this policy would be applied to all parties which violate Iranian air , land or sea spaces " , and on the same day Baker confirmed that " we have been assured that Iran intends to remain totally neutral " .
20 Figures for 1991 reveal that this sort of tradgedy is being played out all over the south of England .
21 Water suppliers ' own records for 1987–9 showed that such surprising areas as Bath , Brighton , Huntingdon , Braintree and Waveney had lead pollution of drinking water above the MAC .
22 Figure 5.1 shows that these covector components and can be obtained by projecting perpendicularly from onto the relevant axis .
23 An analysis by Reddaway ( 1977 ) of the period 1961–71 showed that this view was wide of the mark ; only 3 per cent of the purchase of motor cars and television sets in this period was attributable to population increase .
24 The band-shifting results obtained with oligonucleotide III demonstrate that this sequence is able to bind specifically trans-acting factors .
25 4.1 acknowledges that all rights ( including but not limited to the copyright and other intellectual property rights ) in the Licensed Software which are owned by and shall remain the property of and and shall not during or at any time after the expiry or termination of this Agreement in any way question or dispute the ownership or any other such rights of and .
26 It is a terrible indictment of 1991 to think that such events could happen today in Europe .
27 A pamphleteer in 1762 foresaw that more frequent trips to London would put increasing numbers of country gentlemen " in the mode " .
28 The segmentation of labour markets referred to in section 2.1 means that many groups of workers can be viewed as ‘ non-competing ’ groups .
29 A Moroccan government statement on Aug. 7 said that that the armed forces were " conducting clean-up operations in no-man 's land " between the Moroccan defensive lines and the Western Sahara 's borders , and accused Polisario of infiltrating the territory with the aim of " perturbing and delaying " the referendum .
30 The Guidance , para 3.44 suggests that this requirement may be met " by considering any change in circumstances , any new evidence that may have come to light and any other relevant matter that may cast doubt on the benefit of a new order " .
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