Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the Primera does as well as the old Bluebird — 325,000 sold here helping to top 1.8m Nissans sold here in 22 years — they wo n't complain .
2 The 278 vonunteers thus recruited comprised 155 men aged 21 to 91 years ( median 42 years ) and 123 women aged 18 to 83 years ( median 43 years ) .
3 Table 8.4 has already shown that most National Parks lost more rough pasture to woodland than to agriculture , but in the southwest Table 8.4 also shows that Dartmoor lost more rough pasture to farmland than to woodland , and in a study of land use change in the nearby Exmoor National Park , Lord Porchester ( 1977 ) found that the moorland area had been reduced , from 24,000 hectares in 1947 to 19,000 hectares in 1976 , with 3,800 hectares going to farmland but only 1,200 hectares going to woodland .
4 Research on crime in Europe before around 1850 has also shown a direct relationship between economic conditions , especially the price of grain , and crime , especially theft .
5 The locomotive built by Neilsons in 1891 has just undergone a massive overhaul which cost an incredible £70,000 .
6 Our discussion of opacity in 1.4. has already made this clear .
7 Note that because of complete certainty there will be no need for either initial margin or variation margin , so strategy 2 involves neither cash inflows nor cash outflows during the life of the contract .
8 The famous dances which make up the Divertissement of Act 2 bring nicely turned , even vivid orchestral playing of great finesse , but again that extra touch of individuality is missing .
9 Comparison of the data for the 26 patients who received NIPPV with that of the 30 treated conventionally demonstrated improved survival ( 1 death in 26 vs 9 in 30 ) .
10 The Jaguar XJ two-twenty has already sold out , even though it costs more than four hundred thousand pounds to buy and may cost another twenty thousand pounds a year to insure .
11 Mr. Frank Compton , committee member , of No. 118 has kindly agreed to act as Secretary for this event which has proved very popular and enjoyable in previous years .
12 Unfortunately the electrical supply on Landsat-4 has partially failed , though the Landsat-5 TM has worked perfectly since launch .
13 The passing of a decade between the Royal Assent granted to the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ( the 1974 Act ) and the bringing into force of all sections of this piece of legislation on 19 May 1985 has substantially contributed to the general confusion .
14 For Section 2 has already argued that in trusts judgment and execution could be given in ipsam rem .
15 The young person who , unfortunately , reaches the age of 16 after July 2 has now to return to school for another year and will be almost 17 years of age whenever they leave .
16 The successful programme of asset sales and swaps in 1992 and 1993 has further focused our business , and we will continue our efforts to add value from the considerable investments made in the North Sea .
17 In the same period only 13,700 came here to live .
18 The Jan. 30 meeting also voted to extend assistance to Romania ( excluded when demonstrations were crushed in June 1990 — see pp. 37544-45 ) .
19 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
20 Particles of spin 0 , 1 , or 2 do also exist in some circumstances as real particles , when they can be directly detected .
21 Species that reduce CO 2 with H 2 do so according to the following equation :
22 The films were split into the 12 showing right turns and the 12 showing left turns .
23 However , this was a fairly necessary compromise : paragraph 2 had already conferred on the Roman catholic church a ‘ special position ’ in the state , on the grounds that the church was ‘ the guardian of the Faith professed by the great majority of its citizens ’ .
24 2 had already had one primary melanoma diagnosed before referral to the surveillance clinic .
25 Bismarck 's social legislation of 1876 had already introduced statutory residential care for wayward or delinquent youth which was termed ‘ Zwangserziehung ’ ( compulsory education ) .
26 The under 13's have already achieved success with the team having reached the final of the 1990 Under 13 's Scottish Cup , involving about 120 teams in total .
27 Almost 300 have already gone over the last six years .
28 6 invasive level-2 or deeper melanomas have developed in 4 patients ( expected 0.009 ) ; 2 have also developed level-1 or in-situ lesions .
29 The Scrutiny Panels for Phase 2 have now completed their work and centres have been notified of the decisions taken .
30 Of the 105 countries who originally signed the convention , only 22 have subsequently ratified it .
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