Example sentences of "[vb base] take [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , you may be perfectly healthy but are one of those increasing number of people who want to take responsibility for their own well-being and wish to discover more about themselves .
2 How Do I Begin to Take Responsibility for my Body ?
3 It 's the time you decide to take revenge for the wrongs that have been done to you when you were too nave and scared to do anything about it .
4 I take your point Anne , but I would prefer to help the MP understand that the nature of the way that this department is run is that officers do take responsibility for their specialist areas of work , the senior management has always supported that , and I do n't feel minded to change it because the MP finds it difficult .
5 Over the next few days , practise taking responsibility for everything that happens .
6 They actually start to take responsibility for themselves and become empowered in some way .
7 When we start to take responsibility for our thoughts and begin to see that every negative thought has a negative return , we realise we can use life like a beautiful game .
8 We 've got in the new format sixty of the new new format but what we have been able to do is take elements of the new re-fitted stores and put those for instance erm Pronto we 've managed to take those and re-fit them separately but the actual new concept stores sits at about sixty-odd stores and currently what we 're doing is to check the that we have had a a re-fits this year erm where we 've taken space for other sub-lets where put the new concept back to but as far as the go in majority of the chain now we have most of the major elements i.e an upholstery area bed area Pronto representation and indeed the re-fit that was discussed in the Chairman 's statement the kitchen and bedroom re-fit erm was applicable to all stores so all of the stores have got new kitchens and bedrooms in
9 Business studies have taken precedence for the 25-year-old Stokesley sprinter thus far into the season , but she steps belatedly on to the Olympic trail at Stanley Park on Sunday .
10 Since the Clean Air Act of 1956 governments in the UK have taken responsibility for designating clean air zones in which certain types of pollution , notably the smoke caused by burning coal , are illegal .
11 I have been able to get on with ‘ getting better ’ simply because my colleagues have taken responsibility for my work load ever since the Executive Committee Meeting in July , and I can not thank them enough for all that they have done .
12 1.1 This is a guidance document to draw attention to the radical changes which have taken place for Session 1987–88 to the module descriptors in :
13 This is a guidance document to highlight the changes which have taken place for session 1988–89 to Mathematics module descriptors .
14 What it 's revealed , totally unexpectedly is the vast extent to which inappropriate placements have taken place for many years .
15 We also have to take responsibility for how we feel about ourselves and our actions .
16 Management have to take responsibility for over ninety five percent of the problems we get , whether they 're safety problems , quality problems or whatever problems .
17 Ms Stacey said : ‘ It is a national pastime and the islanders have to take responsibility for the slaughter .
18 The children learn to take responsibility for themselves .
19 They refuse to take credit for the undoubted achievements of the service and retreat into such self-evident absurdities as ‘ the health service is on the verge of collapse ’ .
20 All men refuse to take responsibility for their actions at some time or other during their lives , and some men so consistently shirk their duty that they present more the appearance of overgrown children than of adults .
21 It was true enough , he had good need to take thought for his own safe passage , for his course must somewhere cross that of the armed company .
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