Example sentences of "[vb base] see the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Interest is growing fast , not only from within the Yorkshire counties themselves but from people living in other parts of the country who want to see the Ridings return . ’
2 ‘ Interest is growing fast , not only from within the Yorkshire counties themselves but from people living in other parts of the country who want to see the Ridings return , ’ he said .
3 ‘ I want to see the Hopkins manuscripts . ’
4 I want to see the Billy Goat Gruff .
5 I ought to have gone to Markham cum Cumbermound to see the PCC vice-chairman .
6 Like the Roman of old , he observed : ‘ I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood . ’
7 And we never get to see The Jim Rose Circus snort Jim Reid 's diarrhoea .
8 That is why I wish to see the Lord Bruce . ’
9 There were pockets of disaffection in other parts of the country , amongst Anglicans and even Quakers , but these were thin on the ground ; the memories of the 1680s were still too powerful to make many people seriously wish to see the Stuarts back on the throne again .
10 Tourists come to see the Titian ceilings , to hear Vivaldi , to see where Byron lived — ’
11 But I took Li Tracey 's book in and probably I 've seen the Tracey and marked it down there you see on Tracey 's instead of Linda 's , which , I mean that 's a genuine mistake int it ?
12 ‘ I 've seen the Jerries running up and down behind their men , waving pistols .
13 We 've seen the Sunday Times for example , introducing horoscopes and more articles on the Royal Family .
14 ‘ You ca n't drive round it in a car and say , ‘ I 've seen the Broads ’ , because you can only get to the most beautiful and interesting parts by boat or on foot , and you 've got to be pretty determined .
15 ‘ Well , ye 've seen the Harrods of Koraloona , ’ said Reid , nodding back in the direction of Johnson 's .
16 I 've seen The Young Can Suffer forty-one times and This Side of Paradise thirty .
17 The Greater York authorities therefore looked for a widening of the options available , er , in Greater York , and those that have seen the Greater York study , and it is a document that we 've put in to the examination will see that there was a fundamental full scale wide ranging er assessment er of all the options er open er within the er Greater York er area and they are er set out erm in pages three er and four of N Y five .
18 While the major policy-making and orientation roles rested with the members of the Council and its multiplicity of committees , the search for promotional roles in association with the institutions was inevitably a key part of the activities we have seen the CNAA 's officers playing .
19 We have seen the US break the economic back of small sovereign nations , imposing an economic warfare and savage poverty , which brings with it humiliation , degradation , starvation and the loss of countless human lives .
20 To name but two examples , we have seen the US use chemical warfare when they dropped 17 million gallons of Agents Orange , Blue and White on Vietnam ; and we have seen them feed a germ which induced a potentially fatal fever into Cuba 's water supply .
21 And tragically , in the past few weeks we have seen the US and its Allies carry out over 44,000 sorties over a period of 20 days against the people of Iraq .
22 People who have seen the Helmund poppy fields speak of their beauty — mile after mile of even poppies , like the tulip fields of Holland .
23 As we have seen the DES in Circular 11/77 contended that the Haycocks target of 5 per cent release of further education staff for this purpose was too optimistic and that 3 per cent was more realistic .
24 We have seen the Chicago School making the important distinction between the biotic and cultural levels of human behaviour , and we have seen them attempting to combine these understandings of individual and social behaviour in the study of the ‘ natural area ’ .
25 Significant differences in teachers ' attitudes towards the collegiality and openness of SSE are associated with whether they have seen the Solihull booklet , how well they can recall it , and whether changes in schools occurred as a consequence of its use .
26 This year we have seen the Griffiths report .
27 As we have seen the Prague School were also interested in the content of texts as well as their language , but what concerned them was the structure of the content as a self-contained system of signs to be separated out into its different levels , not the overall impression that it conveys .
28 The last five years have seen the DUP establish itself as the voice of about half of the unionist population .
29 Some have seen the RPF as a twentieth century expression of Bonapartism — the tradition of a providential leader appealing to men and women of all classes and ideologies to unite in the interests of an orderly state and national greatness .
30 Those who have seen the San Francisco 49ers ' Jerry Rice perform over the past eight years have been tempted to call him the most dangerous wide receiver in NFL history .
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