Example sentences of "[vb base] go the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They said , no we want to go the party .
2 With a roar , Lachlan let go the rudder and leaped at Farquhar .
3 He winched in hard and let go the lashings round the rolled bedsheets .
4 And he set the plough , let go the handles and walked alongside the horses as they ploughed .
5 Gedanken let go the button .
6 ‘ This time it 's only a practice run ; listen carefully ; the door will have to be opened ; that 's your job Tim ; Derek , you hold the life-line cord , drop the dinghy when I say , but forget what I told you at Blackpool — this time let go the handle when the line jerks tight !
7 If I let go the wind will blow it over . ’
8 Let go the stays !
9 I let go the chain and gave a final shout , " Now get back in there ! "
10 Mathers let go the wheel to get a cigarette from his shirt with one hand and press the dashboard lighter with the other .
11 Let go the tension spot .
12 DeVore laughed , uncomfortable , then let go the hand , certain now .
13 I got up the anchor , rowed what I estimated to be about five yards , and then let go the anchor again , and peered ahead .
14 Hiss go the pistons and down comes the slab of steel .
15 Snap goes the plastic
16 Along the way pilots take photographs of certain landmarks to prove they 've gone the distance .
17 And so on and so on for another hour and a half , sweating and dazed , until at 4.48 a.m. , extremely painfully , out comes young Tom ( not such a bad name ; commonplace , I know ) , emerging head looking like a terrifically cross blue Brussels sprout , splosh go the fluids , splat goes the placenta and there he is .
18 We 've got the we 've go the choice to either to become or or not to become .
19 ‘ You have to go the trade occasionally and say , ‘ This is the one ’ .
20 So you really need to go the day before .
21 She felt as she always did , not fear , but a kind of cold , dead calm , the way you might feel in a car in which the brakes have gone the moment before the crash .
22 The tickets have gone the tickets have gone for the er the Phil Kelsall concert you can get them on the door four quid on the night a week on Friday at eight o'clock at the er Alfreton Leisure Centre but our complimentary tickets have gone , long long gone .
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