Example sentences of "[vb base] go [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we progress past the 2nd playing round in either — we tend to go a long way … otherwise we tendto get caught cold as it were … and in the FA cup draw the finalists/winners …
2 But you know as well as I do that you want to go a great deal further than that . ’
3 Only if you want to go the whole way and produce typeset quality data will you ever need to consider anything better than VGA .
4 Vi let go a shuddering breath .
5 Lucie let go an involuntary groan and slumped against the wall with his head in his hands .
6 Which I think goes a long way .
7 ‘ I hope they 've gone a long way , ’ said Pascoe .
8 But sh sh sure they can succ succ they can succeed in creating capitalism , it , it it , it might succeed in paving the way for new China 's industrialization but we 've gone a long way from any any ideological position , we 've gone a long way from well what is in the best material benefiting class of the poor peasant now the poor peasant is not gon na get very much out of this .
9 But sh sh sure they can succ succ they can succeed in creating capitalism , it , it it , it might succeed in paving the way for new China 's industrialization but we 've gone a long way from any any ideological position , we 've gone a long way from well what is in the best material benefiting class of the poor peasant now the poor peasant is not gon na get very much out of this .
10 I think it 's fair to say that we 've gone a long , long way in Oxford to breaking down barriers with regard to the inspection priorities , and we are in a position within the city where we have nature of , if you like , technicians and staff that are doing jobs that in many other surrounding areas , and indeed throughout the country are the prerogative of E H O , and these include areas specified as high-risk by MAFF , and include a great bulk of all customer and consumer complaints .
11 What about it like this , see , I 've done all those hats , I 've done the , I 've gone a great hat I have
12 Er again , it 's all down to where you 're going to stand to take the photograph , and I 'm not so sure that you I think you 've gone a little , no you know , I , I criticized the other one a bit , from the same person I think it possibly is because it 's the same style , the same sort of mounting .
13 Now it 's on the financial and administrative side that I suspect that the Home Office is concerned about and I believe they 've gone the wrong way about it .
14 I 've gone the wrong way round now have n't I ?
15 I 've go the Walberdeen one
16 A long time in the dark and he d have to go a long way round if he was n't to upset the sheep and alert Jack .
17 ‘ We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska , ’ he said .
18 It will create interest in the foreground which I think is important and often , especially looking across water an expanse of water if you have n't got any interesting detail in the foreground yo you have to go a long way into the picture before it begins to get interesting .
19 You have to go the scenic route and learn things that way . ’
20 ‘ Mary , dear , one night when I have made a better meal than I did tonight , I plan to go a little berserk , too , in order to have your solace . ’
21 The Thatcher governments have gone a long way towards puncturing claims about the power of the unions .
22 Modern petrological studies have gone a long way towards answering this question : polished hard-rock axes seem to have been made from stone obtained from a limited number of outcrops .
23 If we can achieve this , we have gone a long way towards solving the axe typology problem since groups of similarly shaped axes would appear as distinct clusters on the page and could be easily identified by eye .
24 He is still extremely grateful to the SMH , though his results on behalf of the paper since have gone a long way to repaying any debt of gratitude .
25 The new , improved materials available have gone a long way towards extending the lifespan of today 's flat roof .
26 The efforts of Anthony Thompson and his friends , including contingents of willing helpers provided by the St Bede 's Link with Romania , have gone a long way towards enabling Lotsi to achieve his goal and the project has now reached the stage where it will benefit from a greater degree of organisation than has been necessary so far .
27 The French have gone a long way towards providing a road and water supply and members of the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation are studying in Budapest , Vienna and Germany to obtain qualifications in medicine , physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other skills which will enable them to provide the day-to-day care of the residents in the future .
28 But I have gone a long way from my original fine lace and the number of strokes of the lace carriage .
29 Certainly we have gone a long way to improve the ‘ traditional ’ British Rail sandwich . ’
30 The transactions completed to date have gone a considerable way towards achieving these objectives .
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