Example sentences of "[vb base] they as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we could instigate a national drive to recycle on a grand scale — from restaurants , BR etc — and sell them as a peat alternative !
2 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
3 Generally it falls , although I 've used as the sub-heading , I suppose the overall title of this area is perception organisation , the way that erm things become organised , how we perceive them as an organised whole .
4 It very seldom goes to court , but when they tell lies that are damaging , I sue them as a matter of principle , and always give every penny to charity .
5 It 's quicker to sort those rather than those because what tends to happen is that you process them as an entity rather than as single figures .
6 Replace them as a whole Secondhand units may be purchased for approx £50 As you intend to fit a larger engine a Salisbury rear axle as fitted to Series 3 LWB which is much stronger than your present axle , should be considered
7 The other issue arising here is whether you take the cost of the chairs out of the asset account and show them as an expense each time a sale is made or whether this is done at the end of the month .
8 Many easterners see these ideas as a poor substitute for concessions on trade , but welcome them as a step towards membership .
9 If clay granules are used , it would be advisable to dry them first in the sun , and then spread them as the first layer , before putting the other layers of peat and sand .
10 It is distinct from the methods of the old New Criticism , which though believing that lyric poems were dramatic utterances , still read them as the utterance of a single voice .
11 Enjoy them as a part of your total balanced diet .
12 Some skip the tight fantastic by using them as a jumping rope , others wear them as a scarf or string them up in the garden as a washing line .
13 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
14 Their bosses view them as no more than glorified typists and they are denied career opportunities .
15 They can also be damaged by large bristleworms , and some molluscs , particularly nudibranchs , view them as a good meal .
16 This approach is helpful if you have a tendency to compete with others and view them as a threat ; it encourages greater understanding between people and appeals to shared aspirations .
17 Some see care manager posts as a move into management while others view them as a progression of practice .
18 How accurately do the points have to be aligned before we accept them as a ley ?
19 I do n't call these er interviews I call them discussions because they are self employed positions and er I seem them as a business opportunity rather than a job quote job .
20 But it made sense to keep the running titles intact and transfer them as a set to another forme on its way to the press , saving a little of the compositor 's time .
21 Here the question is subjective : did the person hearing the words in fact interpret them as a dismissal or a resignation ?
22 Old people , in old people 's homes , sometimes regress to this stage , and they also can be observed to play with faeces and to wrap them up and present them as a gift .
23 As conventionally studied , this is clearly intended to be a form of pseudo art history , in which the task is to locate great individuals such as Raymond Loewy or Norman Bel Geddes and portray them as the creators of modern mass culture .
24 If noises are separated by very short intervals we hear them as a continuous sound .
25 If you are to get the best from our book , you must keep buying other people 's books also , and hoard them as a precious collection .
26 So I will always remind you of those things even though you know them as a firmly established in the truth .
27 Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation , and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man .
28 This appears to be the case , first , because the pupils like and respect them as a consequence of the way they themselves are treated and , second , because of their instrumental value .
29 They seem to play a larger role in the arbitration of proper action , and this appears to be the case , first , because they like and respect them as a consequence of the way they themselves are treated , and second , because of their instrumental value .
30 How is it possible to exploit coral reefs for tourism , for example , but also use them as a food source ?
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