Example sentences of "[vb base] he into a " in BNC.

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1 Basically Wegman expresses his view of the world as an absurd and irrational place by photographing Man Ray in a variety of disguises — inked-on whiskers and ears cunningly transform him into a cat , in a dress he becomes a transvestite , and in a hotel bed with Fay he becomes the envy of every red-blooded hound on the planet .
2 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
3 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
4 One gate that he could open himself let him into a front garden patrolled by two Dobermans , but he was okay with dogs because there had always been dogs at his mother 's home , and at his grandparents ' home .
5 Possibly even tie him into a couple of torso cases and a bullion robbery . ’
6 Yet , when one of the local farmers , grinding the bony soil of a resisting field , felt the earth give way and drop him into a narrow grave , and discovered there a store of gravegoods disposed around the human remains , the interval of the centuries seemed to close .
7 Get him into a corner / Corner him .
8 Gabriel let the sing-song rise and fall of Garvey 's voice lull him into a stillness , while his eyes travelled ( for want of interesting faces ) over the even rows of brick cladding the manor house , and the iron-outlined figures of the saints in the stained-glass chapel window .
9 On an incline , all the pots and canisters and the huge stew cauldron would slide down the wagon and crowd him into a corner .
10 Cameron wondered if it would be possible to raise the matter with him again , and bring him into a more realistic frame of mind , before the soldiers came .
11 First is the excitement of the sense of calling ; second , the passionate and painful struggles in overcoming sin which bring him into a darkness which initially is without savour or delight ; third , the experience of light and comfort in the darkness which he describes as the work of Christ illuminating the soul " with schynynges " ( 27.98r. – 345 ) ; and fourth , the full light and bliss of heaven which this light in the darkness anticipates .
12 Every professional knows that if he holes a few of those vital putts of eight feet or more , it can transform his whole round and maybe make him into a winner .
13 We talk to him in his language and we have tried to lift as much of the experience from his mind as we can so that it does n't fester , get covered over , then burst out in 10 years time and turn him into a disturbed child .
14 Turn him into a bunny rabbit . ’
15 I shall have to leave the world of concrete numerable objects and follow him into a world of imagination where numbers themselves have discernible characteristics , or may hide , waiting to be discovered .
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