Example sentences of "[vb base] to [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 About quangos whatsoever , I want to something about the boundaries of the European parliament .
2 So all these people who lecture to us about democracy should really examine the situation it 's got nothing to do with democracy whatsoever when less people are entitled to have a say .
3 He even had the amplitude to take a glass of port with Mr Joseph Robinson and talk as well as listen to him about the Battle of the Nile .
4 The reply was , ‘ Not Rs5,000 , Your Ex cell ency , but Rs25,000 , but now that you speak to me about it I will not take it . ’
5 Erm , it 's first of all , I thinking about changing their , like say for example , you know , the guy speak to me about change , erm a systematic erm to see the benefits bringing about change without his image .
6 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
7 Not us not us , every time I speak to somebody about something , you know marketing can do it , y'know everybody 's d giving away free tickets as a way out of y'know compensate the people , re-dressing the situation .
8 There are New Yorker readers who ca n't understand why I liked Raising Arizona and they still complain to me about it .
9 She likes the company of young people and finds they often talk to her about things they ca n't always discuss at home .
10 He came to see yer mother and talk to her about paying a reward .
11 ‘ And you talk to me about excuses ?
12 Talk to me about it .
13 Look at it and talk to me about it . ’
14 The letter announcing my visit lay unopened on the mat when she opened the door , and an hour later I came away believing that I admired a woman who could , under these circumstances and in some pain , treat me as if I had just stepped round the corner for a packet of tea ten minutes before , and talk to me about this and that , and nothing at all .
15 Throughout the day he would stop work , make us coffee and talk to me about what he was working on , what he was reading and what I was doing .
16 I 've never been there , talk to me about that . ’
17 Now , perhaps because I 've had a baby , friends talk to me about sex , or about their relationships with their boyfriends , where before they would n't .
18 Sally-Anne attacked her food with vigour , and when she had drunk her soup , buttered and eaten her roll , Dr Neil prompted her gently , ‘ Talk to me about it , McAllister .
19 Well , if ever you think of leaving , you just come and talk to me about it .
20 how each of the prices of each one , and you work out which which way round you 're going to do it , and then talk to me about it as you 're doing it .
21 Meese had simply said , ‘ All right , we want to go through the 1985 shipment … well , how the initiative began … then talk to him about this memo of the diversion of funds . ’
22 ‘ I 'll take it to the hospital this morning , ’ she said , adding rather pathetically , ‘ and talk to him about it . ’
23 We talk to him about the inner turmoil he had been feeling during his long drought and about his high hopes for the future .
24 I informed Mr Kagan that I was something of a heretic so far as the minutiae of the Jewish faith were concerned ; on the other hand , I said , I had never concealed that I was a loyal member of the faith , and so I would be happy to have the boy to tea and talk to him about Judaism in general terms .
25 I talk to Gog about rain , I talk to him about the AOL , but he never listens .
26 He thought you might like to get something on paper before you talk to him about it …
27 If we go to any local government official and talk to him about local government finance and how the council tax might work , he will say that it is nonsense and a case of trying to muddle through and paper over the cracks simply to make the package a little more presentable for electoral purposes .
28 On the other hand , talk to him about a book — like one that Gordon Jackson lent him — and he would go overboard about it . ’
29 You talk to him about that
30 ‘ We talk to them about the style of service and food they are planning and the figure we recommend is often less than they had estimated , ’ he says .
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