Example sentences of "[vb base] in [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As I linger in the grassy cart tracks joining two fields that sleep in afternoon idleness , the smell of Rayless Mayweed crushed underfoot overcomes the other pleasant hay and pasture odours .
2 The report concludes with references to increase in long term unemployment and slump in business optimism .
3 Nearly all the Moulds , Molds , Mouldes and other variants of the name which appear in Shropshire parish registers can be placed on a single family tree .
4 These figures show that the small surpluses and deficits that appear in government budget accounts ( sec Table 8.2 ) are quite misleading indicators of the inflationary or deflationary stance of the Yugoslav public sector .
5 For example , her most recent work involves a positive distancing — intimate objects as though shaken from the photographs appear in glass shoe boxes ready for inspection or classification .
6 Since none of these appear in Journal Citation Reports , this would have to be assessed by a combination of factors :
7 Since none of these appear in Journal Citation Reports , this would have to be assessed by a combination of factors :
8 Leap in poll tax dodgers
9 For many pro-reform Soviet citizens , Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting .
10 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
11 Since January 1990 all governing bodies of schools in Denmark have had complete control over school budgets , curricula , staff appointments and day-to-day management — the intention being to give teachers and parents more say in school management .
12 They would then be required to hand over the proceeds , without any strings attached , to a fund in which , under the Tolba plan , ‘ all countries would have an equal say in resource allocation . ’
13 The following headlines are from different cases but the occupational theme remains the same : Headmaster cuddled boys ( Star ) ; Sex shame of a head ( Daily Mirror ) ; SEX SHAME TEACHER IS SENT TO PRISON Assault on his boys ( Sun ) ; Teacher in sex case to appeal ( Middlesex Chronicle ) ; SEX SIR 'S SHAME ( Sun ) ; A TEACHER 'S EVIL LUST He took sex snaps of kids ( Star ) ; Teacher accused ( Star ) ; Child sex offender given job in school ( Daily Mail ) ; KIDDIES POSE IN PORN SHAME : 15 years of sex snaps ( Sun ) ; SEX SHAME OF A HOSTEL CHIEF ( Star ) ; Child expert jailed for sex assaults ( Daily Mail ) ; Mercy for a vicar ( Star ) ; Choirmaster 's shame ( Daily Mail ) ; MINISTER IN SEX CASE FACES SACK ( Star ) ; TV churchman 's sex with sailor ( Sun ) ; A vicar shamed ( Star ) ; Kinky cop 's secret shame ( Daily Mirror ) .
14 Thousands of boys and young men , pale , narrow-chested , hunched-up , miserable specimens , smoking endless cigarettes , numbers of them betting , all of them learning to be hysterical as they groan and cheer in panic unison with their neighbours — the worst sound of all being the hysterical scream of laughter that greets any little trip or fall of a player .
15 Luo had served nearly two years of a five-year sentence on charges of trying to help Wang Juntao and Chen Ziming to escape from China after the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square .
16 Lopex in cash call
17 Place in salad serving bowl .
18 Trim off watercress stalks , rinse and place in serving bowl .
19 divide them into neat piles , place in oven proof dish do you wan na do it that way ?
20 With the need to consider further process in Hertfordshire Development Fund as well as the by the strategy of ninety five , ninety six .
21 Small and medium-sized firms as well as multinational corporations interact in UK manufacturing , and manufacturing firms interact with financial institutions and other enterprises in the growing service sector .
22 The manner in which such factors operate and interact in language acquisition is completely un-known .
23 In the article ‘ Communications linguistique et spéculaire : modèles génétiques et modèles pathologiques ’ Irigaray traces the constitution of the subject not to the symbolic mastery of the mother by the child , as do Freud and Lacan , but to a recognition of the positionality of subject and object in language use .
24 One dispatch from this front during an Iraqi attempt to recover the captured Majnun oilfield was headed ‘ Thunderstorm forces pause in Gulf war ’ .
25 Lodge in District Land Registry under Land Registry Cover A4 with the prescribed fee .
26 Adakites also plot in TTD field .
27 I 've played against him and Wasim in county cricket and , believe me , if they had been cheating I would have known .
28 He also considers the problems that are created as a result of the fragmented nature of much research and the rather narrowly defined categories and classifications which research in child care is in danger of having to use ; categories that are essentially administrative and legal constructions .
29 Jerusalem artichokes : choose the least knobbly ones , peel and parboil , then slice and fry in groundnut oil with crushed cardamom seeds until golden .
30 Or grate raw and stir fry in walnut oil , orange juice and rind .
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