Example sentences of "[vb base] taken [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't believe it 's just me you 've taken a violent dislike to — ’
2 ‘ Well , Charles , I 've taken a good look at your latest victim .
3 out so you just , so maybe just , maybe , I 've taken a slight hard line to say no , people have got to make a wee bit effort too , but maybe in fact
4 ‘ Obviously we 've taken a close look at Oddbins , ’ says Ann Tonk , standing in Victoria Wine 's smartly re-fitted ‘ Family Group 1 ’ store in London 's Hampstead High Street .
5 We 've taken a selected range of apartments in and around Malia , where you 'll be welcome to mix with the crowd and enjoy all of the facilities and club activities .
6 But now we 've taken a short cut through the getting-to-know-you games .
7 This month , with time at a premium , we 've taken a few short cuts to preparing delicious Christmas fare : we bought a cooked gammon to transform into a glorious centrepiece with a crunchy nut , honeyed glaze .
8 ‘ After I 've taken a few pictures .
9 ‘ You 've taken a fair prize there , ’ he said dispassionately , ‘ if he live .
10 Pharmacists are trained scientists who 've taken an intensive four-year course before they qualify .
11 Yeah erm w what I 've done , I 've measured I 've taken an exact measurement ,
12 They 've done it , they 've taken the outside tables away .
13 ‘ This man is n't the King because I 've taken the real King prisoner and murdered his servant . ’
14 ‘ I 've taken the small phial of poison Brampton 's supposed to have used . ’
15 VINNY JONES went back to Wimbledon yesterday and declared : ‘ I 've taken the first step on the managerial ladder . ’
16 my Lord I think so yes , erm if I can just say this I understand on the structures that a letter has been , er , an offer has been made by a letter erm of the structure and obviously there would be and that , that was done I think some time ago , erm and it might be my Lord how to what sort of structure is , but , but , erm I think from our side , erm we , we 've taken the first step and we 're going
17 Er but er this is the position as it is now and I I 've taken the conservative position as always .
18 And they 've taken the free kick quickly and tried to take full advantage of the situation and the referee has said you ca n't do that .
19 If you 've taken the last exercise seriously , you 'll be able to list some changes you 'd like to make : Go on — have a go !
20 You 've taken the full course at the Academy of Marksmanship .
21 Hang on , can I just check out your question , certainly we 've taken the Cutteslowe health and housing audit to this committee , and so has housing
22 SERAFIN : You 've taken the inverted commas off ?
23 Er we have taken every possible precaution to make sure that it 's not a recipe for disaster .
24 In recent years however , scientists have taken a greater interest in the exciting possibilities of observing animals in their natural surroundings .
25 These developments have taken a specific form through the theory of ‘ public choice ’ .
26 They have taken a major stake in Crane Holdings .
27 Don Caskie , chairman of the Independent Schools ' Bursars ' Association , said : ‘ Parents have taken a terrible hammering .
28 Both firms have taken a 45 per cent stake in each other 's truck business .
29 In other contexts the courts have taken a broad , purposive approach to the interpretation of the 1977 Act ; thus in Smith v Eric S Bush ; Harris v Wyre Forest DC [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords held that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report , which purported to prevent the surveyor owing a duty of care to the recipient of the report , was subject to s2 of the Act and was required to be reasonable .
30 For 70 years British royals have taken a frosty view of Ireland .
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