Example sentences of "[vb base] well i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If we if they were n't as quick as you are like that working that out what you could try is say well I 've given them one each there 's the four people one two three four right you 've all got a whole one so you can start eating that while I sort out how I 'm gon na share this out .
2 Sort of say well I 've got ta go now .
3 No because I , no , I well , it 's is , I know people who say well I 've heard very little and I know that 's enough for them to have very good friends .
4 so you could n't do that , you 'd have to tell them that , and say well I 've got to start my
5 They 've read what you 've said and then say well I do n't agree with that and you can write down that .
6 Lots of people say well I do n't mind waiting or whatever .
7 Well you could answer the door now and you say well I do n't know love , I 'm only the cleaner , they wo n't be back .
8 the trouble is though when you have these meetings you go and people say well I do n't agree with this and I do n't agree with that and somebody says well this is n't the matter for the P T A this is a matter for the governors and then when you try and , like Gary I 'll go and approach with the governors , surely this is n't a matter for the governors , this really ought to be , you know , the ,
9 Just ask the old girls to make their and say well I want your National Insurance numbers ?
10 Yeah , I put well I put the name as well
11 I know well I have n't got much commonsense
12 I know well I do n't , go and get a cloth and clear up the mess that you 've made .
13 I mean they haven' they they do n't know today really you know well I think it 's wonderful .
14 So do you think that erm when this law was erm pushed through in nineteen forty seven that er perhaps Mao you know well I think there 's been a bit of excess now , I think we 'll do some we just need , we just need a bit of a rush now just to take us through a bit and then we 'll stop it in a few months time .
15 pick fault in way I talk well I do n't think to hear
16 Not really , I mean well I know , German I mean I 'm gon na be worried about it when I get there but at the moment German and French are just gon na be translating something , there 'll be , give me an extract and a translation and I 'll have to do them , you know
17 Well I mean well I do n't mean you 'll sort it out yourself .
18 I mean well I do n't know but there you are .
19 So I mean well I suppose it 's , times flitting away cos I do n't suppose her solicitor will let it go on forever !
20 ‘ If things go well I hope within a twelve-month to double the number of horses I own . ’
21 I , yeah I go well I 've started going again now er are n't very good !
22 I think and I think well I 've got this one practical to do and I 've got erm
23 They come up to meetings which erm , this goes on to say determine not to miss a single spiritual meal both private study , meeting attendance are urgent for all , there 's nothing new here brothers it 's all things that we 've heard before and this is why sometimes we can sort of nod off because we , we sort of think well I 've heard all this before , follow theocratic ways , procedures and policies not always easy to do , but it can be done , recognizing the organization that Jehovah is using keep awake by finding your place in God 's arrangement that is n't that little corner up there , by the way , we 're not talking about that one , but finding our place where we can work for Jehovah wholeheartedly do not quibble about assignments and arrangements I think we 're all guilty of that at some time are n't we ?
24 lots of people think well I 've got them to school that 's it then no more children
25 And the hall is available to us this evening , but I would like to con I think well I hope you will concur that I would like to conclude on H two today .
26 Erm say if you 're looking at erm say if and you think well I know pretty much about alternative sources of power , wind and water and all that stuff .
27 I think well I mean the bit of green 's good is n't it ?
28 Oh it should be covered definitely , I mean I watch I mean you 've got all the extended programmes , I mean last night I watched the nine o'clock news until ten o'clock and then the one o'clock news at dinner time until two and , and erm various things , I mean I think it 's quite enough myself , I mean I 'm speaking as an ex-soldier at seventy years old , and I think well I do n't think really that people necessarily want to hear it all , even the people who 've got people over there .
29 Erm I think well I think it is , at times .
30 Alright well I think well I think actually well I know we 've droned on about it for half an hour but I think it 's worth a discussion to be quite honest , do n't you ?
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