Example sentences of "[vb base] an [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A number of kinds of events describable within modern microphysics involve an indeterminacy that had no place in the Newtonian programme .
2 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
3 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
4 When you reply to somebody or send an acceptance or
5 You may use the EVAL function to convert a sting input to a numeric and report an error if the string is not a proper number or you can include your own validation checks .
6 Fourteen per cent expect an increase and 46 per cent expect no change .
7 Fine … if we were one of the sports who take ‘ Gate Money ’ and have a following of spectators who supply an income but as you are aware this is not ‘ US ’ .
8 The patient improves for a time , say an hour or more , then either stops getting better and the picture becomes more or less static , or begins to slip back again with the same symptoms .
9 S. H. We were held responsible for property and we had to go round and test every doorway and that would occupy the first time round — say an hour and a half — and then usually you had to go round and test them a second time , just to make sure .
10 Your opponent is allowed the first turn , and will almost always begin by picking up two different cards , say an ace and a six .
11 Threats nudge an act that were without doubt
12 You make a hole in the outside wall and run the waste pipe through , fit an elbow and lead another pipe into the hopper head .
13 Fit an airlock and ferment to a finish .
14 My own work and that of Barry Troyna ( 1978 ) has strongly indicated that , at around school-leaving age or just before , black youths encounter an incident or many which incline them to reconsider their own identities .
15 She said I want an organ but mum would never let me have one .
16 Some district societies also want an assurance that the Institute will not take on additional regulatory responsibilities without consulting the membership : some go as far as urging it to oppose any future legislation to extend statutory regulation of members ' activities .
17 Councillors want an assurance that RAF Valley will not be a casualty of defence review cuts .
18 We want an agreement that promotes business and does not impose burdens or barriers upon the business community .
19 Another committee man said : ‘ We want an engineer and we 've hired a baker .
20 At the moment , the choice is quite clear — you either want an environment that gives you a GUI over a DOS , or you want an OS ( operating system ) that is a GUI in its own right .
21 But I want an explanation that makes sense . ’
22 He said : ‘ We want an inquiry that will deal with the most important thing of all — that is an inquiry that gets at the truth . ’
23 What can you , I do n't know if you ever , ever came across any of these er the mark two that want an extension and I think it would project a
24 Network meetings provide an opportunity and a space , facilitated by the social worker and other professionals , in which concerns surrounding continuing care in the community for a particular person can be voiced and talked through .
25 Traditional photographic systems are cheap , simple , provide an image and have high resolution .
26 ‘ The key is not whether we give tax holidays but whether we provide an environment that allows companies to make a lot of profit .
27 CRUSADERS deserve an Oscar if they were play-acting to confuse watching Swiss spy Michel Pont at Seaview .
28 yield an account that is intelligible to its intended audience(s) ;
29 They seek an order that Hambros Jersey restore the money to the company .
30 The prosecutor does not , however , seek an order that the case be remitted to the magistrate to continue the hearing .
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