Example sentences of "[vb base] not have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Home Office research and statistics department is excellent and produces very good figures , but unfortunately we do not have on record the figures for 12 centuries ago .
2 A major part of the effort in user education in university and polytechnic libraries is the preparation of guides to the subject literature , guides to individual reference works , guides to particular forms of literature , guides to techniques of information handling etc , and there are few libraries in these sectors who do not have at least a dozen in current production .
3 But what methods has he that we do not have at our disposal already ? ’
4 We feel that this is very much a matter for the district councils in the preparation of their local plans , with their local knowledge which is something we do not have at the county level to be able to make comment on .
5 We are talking about a return of local nationalism , which is something that we do not have over here .
6 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
7 These grants however are discretionary — that means they do not have to be given so there will be variations from one district to another .
8 Instructions can be left by those who wish to donate their bodies for research , although these do not have to be followed by the executors .
9 Community care grants do not have to be repaid .
10 They do not have to be paid back .
11 The computers can recognise thousands of words and , unlike older systems , do not have to be trained laboriously for each word .
12 On the other hand , people do not have to be conscious of the system of production as such .
13 They have to make the system work , of course , but in order to do this , they do not have to be conscious of its nature .
14 Things do not have to be as they are .
15 Mr Slade 's extensive breeding programme within his flock of 400 pedigree ewes has convinced him that terminal sires do not have to be ‘ big and long ’ .
16 These sweet snacks do not have to be eaten each day ( savoury snacks or fruit would be much better ) .
17 You do not have to be tough minded or sombre in mood to acknowledge the truth that the whole concept of A Retreat , in the older senses of the phrase , is now redundant or used up , gone out of mind .
18 For some of us , meeting people is difficult but you do not have to be an outgoing , free and easy character in order to learn to meet and get on with new people .
19 The City 's planners tend to encourage the restoration of listed buildings to their original states if they do not have to be torn down , he said .
20 The current literature on residential care emphasizes the principle of ‘ regionalization ’ ; that is , on ensuring that target groups in each region are adequately served by the full range of services so that youngsters do not have to be placed away from their home localities .
21 In hospital it is possible to replace initial intravenous therapy with ciprofloxacin by the oral route within a very short time , which can make cost savings since patients do not have to be hospitalised for treatment .
22 These do not have to be biologically related organisms .
23 At times these adjustments verge on sharp practice enabled by the fact that ingredients do not have to be revealed .
24 It also takes the pressure off the local forest or other local natural resources which do not have to be destroyed for short-term gains .
25 Careful management can , however , mitigate such effects so that sporting activities do not have to be incompatible with conservation interests .
26 You do not have to be getting income support to apply and in exceptional circumstances they may be given for fuel costs .
27 They do not have to be repaid and may be awarded to those leaving hospital or residential care , or to help people to continue to live in the community rather than enter such care .
28 We do not have to — that is our choice .
29 The examples of Denmark or of the other members of the Community may in some respects be encouraging , in others not ; but certainly to look into classrooms beyond the Channel , however superficially , is to be reminded that written curricula and centralised administrations do not have to be unwieldy , dictatorial or reactionary .
30 To contract out more functions which do not have to be undertaken by health authority staff and which could be provided more cost effectively by the private sector .
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