Example sentences of "[vb base] you [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As a precaution I suggest you look at what assets you can liquidise quickly .
2 ‘ I suggest you look at the evidence with your own eyes before you start accusations that you might find impossible to back up .
3 I really do n't know Emily because I 've never even heard of the work and I suggest you look at it in the dictionary
4 You 're beginning to sound like a mother hen ; I half expect you to cluck at any minute . ’
5 I expect you aimed at the walls. ,
6 What d' you do at work ?
7 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
8 as I say you look at I mean this is two fifty .
9 You say you work at a desk .
10 ‘ I want you to begin at the beginning and tell me your life .
11 She was waiting in the yard and she said , ‘ I want you to look at Angharad .
12 I want you to look at a cow now .
13 " There 's another horse I want you to look at , " he said .
14 What I want you to look at is this area to the north-west of Foulness Island , the stretch called Winter Marsh .
15 ‘ Right , there are some books I want you to look at — general background to give you the feel of the thing .
16 When you 've done that I want you to look at this .
17 Now the next , I want you to look at the verse prologue of the play .
18 ‘ Dave , I want you to stay at the office .
19 ‘ There 's a very special person I want you to meet at the concert tomorrow .
20 Haff you heard at aal apout a maan caald Menzies ? ’ one asked the other in a broad parody of the Gaelic accent .
21 ‘ If I so much as catch you smiling at another woman — ’
22 If I if I do n't know the answer I 'll find out in the interim period and let you know at the end of the session .
23 XTree Gold has a mass of file viewers which let you look at your data in its native format .
24 I mean you look at yourself and you 've got a black face and a Cockney accent and you realize you do n't fit .
25 I mean you look at , see I I 've had , I felt like when I was coughing at work I felt like sitting there and I thought I ca n't believe this .
26 Oh yeah they 've got one forty R on there but , I mean you look at the set and it says er where did I get the number ?
27 I du n no erm , no I do n't like them at all it 's in fact I 'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
28 ‘ You mean you sleep at home as well ? ’
29 Make you feel at home , ’ she added .
30 Tell me , in that room of fine people , is n't there one face you look at , one person you 're interested in ? ’
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