Example sentences of "[vb base] i have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I recall that during my last six months service I had the magnificent sum of £6/5/ ( £6.25 now ) to spend on myself .
2 Yes , I mean I 'd no idea who Carol was , I just bumped into her .
3 Chairman , chairman that is n't really fair , I mean the vote has actually been taken I mean I 've no doubt there 's a situation where we say , right , you know , it 's a draw er , you know , this does n't erm , that have a have .
4 ‘ Well , I do n't — I mean I 've no right — ’
5 I mean I 've no doubt that my health suffered as a result of the the conditions that I worked under and I think
6 I mean I 've the figures on here , I 'll show you in a minute , doing absolutely brilliant .
7 Er I mean I 've the number of part time centres
8 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
9 Did n't particularly hate it , I du n no , I mean I had no idea that they were camping anything up from that record .
10 I mean I er I mean I had a lot of trouble
11 That 's in the oh a lot of people did , oh yes , lot of people spent the money but I was one of the fortunate ones I had a little bit left because I mean I was , er I was very lucky myself , I mean I had a decent job at that time from time I left school and when I was on the dredging plant , I mean you take er in nineteen twenty five when er a schoolboy left school , his money was about ten shillings a week as an errand boy but I was one of the fortunate being a cabin boy on the dredger , I was getting thirty five shillings a week which was a lot of money and then after a few months they , I , they wanted another deck hand , so of course I went on there on four pound a week and then I was well off .
12 Oh yeah , I mean I had a horrible time with him for some time and it just , just
13 You see I mean I had an uncle , he 's passed on now , and he was an avid pipe-smoker .
14 I mean I had the same problem when I was secretary .
15 I think , I think the other thing is as well though is that when you , I mean you 've been sitting pensions cos I mean I had the P H I which I thought it was easier to actually describe erm but erm it 's easy for us to actually sit back and , and go back on everything that everyth er everybody else did wrong is n't it , so
16 Well that 's it cos I 'd , I mean I had the accident , well I mean I , I did n't hurt myself and I was very lucky I did n't hit the cars but erm it was bad enough with er and I ended up on this big grass embankment at the end of the bypass .
17 I mean I had the information there that you did n't .
18 I mean I had the heating on to start with and oh I thought this is ridiculous .
19 all through the weekend he was n't sleeping at night , he was up all night and he was just really yeah , he was really naughty and he was erm , I mean I had the other two erm ,
20 I mean I had the most profound admiration for the kids in New York .
21 Well it may well suggest it , I mean I have no no reason to doubt the statement you 've made or even statements made in newspapers , they 've added to my concern from my own investigations .
22 I mean I have no idea how they felt .
23 Yes , I mean I have a very helpful husband , but he 's helping , he sees him himself as helping me rather than doing his share of it without having to ask what help I need .
24 Er , but having said that I mean I have a sweet five year old daughter and I would n't change her for anything , but given the second chance I would n't do it again .
25 ‘ You mean I have a brain , ’ Polly flashed him her sweetest smile .
26 Now making these points to and then to go backwards still about what we 've been talking about and that is it 's the same with the opera and what you were saying about Harry Enfield and everything else , that you can an and Billy Connolly , you can bring certain groups of people into areas where they would n't previously have been , but you will not necessarily take them on the next leaf so for example , this is all gon na sound snobby and I 'm sorry but you know I mean a lot of people like Gilbert and Sullivan for example , but will not move on to Bizet or whatever it is and will never do that and I mean I have a problem with that I mean it , to me it 's not we 're not it 's just reality , but we have to understand that I mean we have to understand that in the context of sponsorship
27 I mean I have a couple of ideas .
28 ‘ You mean I have a choice as to whether I stay on or not ? ’
29 er I mean I have a bit of a problem with him sort of going in and identifying all these fourteen ten tenets if you like of er what er the peasants have actually done because I do n't think
30 I mean I have a lot of people come to the vicarage and the churchyard , particularly people who have got alcohol problems .
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