Example sentences of "[vb base] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 I said I would drive into the country , lie in the long grass and watch the sun go down until it was quite dark .
2 She watched her mother smooth her hair back from her brow , draw in a long breath , then say , ‘ Well , well !
3 He has words of praise for the RSNO Chorus , which he says has ‘ sounded better than I remember in a long time ’ in the initial rehearsals of a work new to all concerned .
4 On the other side , what did Innocent or the papacy lose in the long struggle ?
5 er present work , and so I mean , you , you , could say we 'll take it , er two or three hundred complaints from London , and buy time I suppose , erm to see if if if er work up here had picked up or natural wastage went or what ever , erm , if it did n't go up then , I mean in the long term , erm one could n't envisage keeping on with more staff than what 's thought to be a fairly generously assessed formula anyway , says we need .
6 They sit in a long line in York , yeah ?
7 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
8 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
9 The sun , making a guest appearance between frowning petrol-blue clouds , floodlit the dog daisies and hogweed in the long grass and turned the pitch a stinging viridian .
10 The only sign of fear was a nervous tremble in the long spindly legs .
11 If you find in the longer run that the process of " being in love " stops you functioning properly ( i.e. getting your college work done ) that too is something you might need to look at with some skilled help ( i.e. a skilled counsellor ) .
12 No well I feel in the long run it 's probably wasting money because erm we keep bodging it up which costs money , we might just as well see how much it is to get it and do it , and do it erm .
13 Providing an answer only for the surface doubt answers neither doubt in the long run .
14 I think in the long view it is all to the good that the government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared before we come in .
15 On the question of aggression by the North , there can be no doubt whatever that their ultimate object is to overrun the South ; and I think in the long term there is no doubt that they will do so , in which case , as you so aptly remark , the Americans will have made a rather handsome contribution of equipment to the military strength of Asiatic Communism .
16 As soon as he got to Aix he wrote to Chamberlain : ‘ I think in the long view it is all to the good that the Government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared up before we come in . ’
17 But I think in the long run , although I do n't agree with forty , I would rather have gone a forty two , erm it will probably help the sport immensely in the end .
18 Unfortunately , local managers often think in the short term , whereas senior managers think in the longer term .
19 Who can blame them when most traditional methods of weight control fail in the long term ?
20 Diets often fail in the long term because they are too demanding on will-power .
21 as in Tarrow and Suleiman. that in so far as group interests are expressed or mobilised through institutions that survive in the long term .
22 ( b ) they are more efficient and thus save you time and work in the long term .
23 Mind you , you see in the long run they proved that she was
24 But how well do these savings accounts perform in the longer term ?
25 ‘ Better than I have in a long time . ’
26 It is precisely because market forces have in the long run caught up with the operation of the CAP , as they inevitably would , that we are in such trouble .
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