Example sentences of "[vb base] to [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Lord Jesus Christ , you have promised perfect liberty to those who trust you ; we cry to you for those who are at this moment enslaved by their need to take drugs .
2 Lord , you are the source of peace ; we cry to You for peace in our world ; daily we see and hear of strife within nations , of tensions between states , of violence being done by men against men ; we are sad Lord , and know that You are sad too .
3 We know that you are sad to see so many disputes between different parts of your family and we cry to you for unity and harmony between brothers and sisters .
4 But you wo n't be able to make any decision while you cling to him for fear of other men .
5 Listen to me for a moment . ’
6 " Senga , listen to me for a moment .
7 ‘ Madam , listen to me for a moment .
8 Now calm down , and listen to me for a minute .
9 ‘ No , Nicolo , you listen to me for a change .
10 Listen , listen to me , when it 's finished , instead of putting it in the box we 'll put it on that other one and listen to it for a wee while
11 speak to me for er , for a day afterwards , at least one day , and just said
12 Together we praise God for abundant past blessings and look to Him for direction and strength in the coming days .
13 In the modern age he is expected to lead and the people look to him for solutions to their problems , but the chances of his being allowed to do what he needs to do are negligible .
14 And I 'll tell thee for naught , Daniel — never look to me for succour .
15 Helpless , look to Thee for grace ;
16 Pupils look to them for advice , encouragement and support .
17 When parents relate to their children as if they were partners and look to them for the support and even sexual comfort that should come from other adults , the boundary surrounding and protecting childhood is broken .
18 If we are to continue to meet the rapidly growing needs of those who look to us for care and prevention , we urgently need you to share the challenge with us .
19 When I have to leave one in mid-air I fuss to myself for days after .
20 Indeed , multiproduct companies will normally have a variety of means open to them for breaking even on their operation , some of which may be approximately equally efficient , so that governmental intervention to choose one amongst them , something facilitated by state ownership , is not necessarily inefficient .
21 Keep this manual by you when using LIFESPAN and refer to it for specific and detailed information on particular facilities
22 After a while , though , I started receiving letters from her , and on Sunday evenings my Pop would take me to the phone booth , where at a prearranged time I would ring a phone booth in Scotland and talk to her for 3 minutes .
23 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
24 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
25 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
26 Right , so I mean obviously if there 's anything that comes up as you go along I 've got ta be able to you know you and I , I 'll just chat it through , but when it comes to things like er me talk to you , sales talk to you for instance about a comparative question , you would n't know what I was talking about would you ?
27 I mean it 's very nice to be with a child , a baby , for about three or four hours , but after that you are quite grateful for somebody else to come and play with it for a while , and talk to it for a while .
28 Most merciful father who has told us to love you with all our strength and glorify you in our bodies , we commend to you for your continual blessings the hospitals of our land and those who serve in them prosper all that is being done in the healing of the sick , the conquest of disease and the training of doctors and nurses that your will may be done for the relief of suffering and the making of lives whole through Jesus Christ our Lord amen
29 Therefore , I can assure my hon. Friend , who represents a rural constituency , that we have very much in mind the needs of rural post offices and we shall look with interest at any requests that they make to us for extending their liability to sell other services .
30 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
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