Example sentences of "[vb base] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charlemagne had begun with the clergy , encouraging them to learn and write correct Latin for the liturgy ; two generations later , the lay elite in Charles 's kingdom used writing in several different forms , from books of private prayer to family archives , while many laypeople of lesser rank wanted documents as evidence of their own property claims and legal status .
2 And I shall find you empty of that fault ,
3 But all that business is not simply going to vanish : ICL will be refilling the channels with its own personal computers and DRS 6000 and DSR 3000 Unix machines before they even empty of third party machines — and by using a captive distribution network , ICL should be able to improve overall profitability .
4 In Iran , the regime that replaced the Shah appears as militantly Islamic ( and , in theory , internationalist , for Shi-ism acknowledges no secular boundaries ) , and yet is more easily seen as the spearhead of Iranian nationalism .
5 They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in , the form of strikes .
6 Three more informants identified the clash of registers in " the sort of description you expect of old Salzburg and the simile " " like a half-eaten lunch " " " , which , again , they were unable as yet to resolve .
7 It is interesting that although idioms consist of more than one word , they display to some extent the sort of internal cohesion that we expect of single words .
8 If you do not intend to return to nursing employment in the near future , then you can only remain as up to date with nursing theory as possible in anticipation of your planned return , and hope that the evidence you eventually provide of recent study is sufficient to convince the Board of your readiness to return .
9 Fine creases where the colour had flaked off the shoes were painted in with a rich reunite of permanent rose and white , whilst permanent rose was used alone for some minor details like the punchmarks on the orange strap loops and the stitching around the edges of the straps themselves .
10 We do not allow the least whiff of spiritual curd or coagulum to cross our threshold .
11 They smell of dry dampness , not a readily marketable perfume in the salons of Europe , but an affirming odour , not of sanctity , nor of history — more of the earth , of the quarries from which they were hewn , to be shaped by men who could cut stone as other monks cut the cloth for their grey robes .
12 We have accountants , and we have men who smell of industrial aftershave who call themselves our financial advisers .
13 In this way , he made the commonplace appear of great import .
14 Questions of design-society relations then appear of major significance — not only for society or for questions of " design-and-society " but for design itself .
15 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
16 We ordinarily say of causal circumstances and causes that they make their effects happen , but we do not say , and will deny , that effects make either of the two causal items happen .
17 We also say of causal circumstances and causes that they explain their effects , in a sense in which effects do not explain the causal items .
18 Early recognition as I say of mental illness in an employee and early treatment is better for both the company and the employee .
19 Consequently they sound stilted and reluctant and rob what they say of much reward value .
20 as I say of different people
21 another mistake in the film was to suggest that in a a short franchise , say of seven years they would need a great deal of working capital , but they wo n't need a great deal of working capital or or share capital , they will actually be running a business where they get subsidy , because if er they 're involving socially necessary lines , like commuter lines , or or rural lines , then we 've made it very clear er that the taxpayers subsidy will continue , because these are loss making businesses , they will be bid they will bid for subsidy , and they will continue to get that subsidy , so they will have the flow of whatever income they can increase , in the passenger franchise , plus the subsidy , plus , and this is a very important point in what we 're doing in the restructuring of British Rail , you see , nobody up till now has said that British Rail is perfect , everyone acknowledges that there are big improvements to be made , the way we 're structuring it will get those improvements because the smaller franchises , not the great big monolithic nationalized industry , the smaller units , ha will be able to identify much more clearly where they can make the savings and where they can increase the revenue .
22 To capture the social aspects of deixis , we would need to add at least one further dimension , say of relative rank , in which the speaker is socially higher , lower or equal to the addressee and other persons that might be referred to .
23 Ex-England and Ipswich boss Bobby Robson , now coach of Sporting Lisbon , has sent his Australian international Vlado Bosinoski , to Portman Road for a week 's trial .
24 Therefore , repent of this wickedness of yours , and pray the Lord that if possible the intention of your heart may be forgiven you
25 Unlike children , very old people do not have common ‘ norms of development ’ which can be used as quite a precise yardstick in the appraisals we all make of each other .
26 However the demands they make of each student are rigorous and varied .
27 The detailed analyses they make of unconscious significations can stop them from considering any other kind of explanation .
28 At one level , policemen and women claim that they pursue all crime with equal vigour , which on the whole is true , but this formal discourse conceals the evaluations they make of different crimes .
29 The health of individuals is affected not only by the use they make of medical services but by their working conditions , housing , diet , leisure-time activities , and so on .
30 None of them is , nor can be , structured as to require that those in charge of enterprises in which people invest their working lives and expectations should account primarily and principally to them for the uses they make of those lives .
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