Example sentences of "[vb base] and the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are those concerned with the way we eat , the way we sleep and the way we open the door .
2 We do n't need whining leftie bands like The Farm droning on about justice and equality now that Britain is such a wonderful place , where nobody sleeps in a cardboard box or goes hungry or gets busted for the colour of their skin or dies of hypothermia , where pigs fly and the sun always shines and where kids from council estates have just as much chance of becoming millionaires as — say — kids who inherit a million pounds from mummy and daddy .
3 In places , they are so crowded that their bodies touch and the cliff seems to have been painted crimson .
4 6.7 The thing which all the adjectives of the sort found in ( 33 ) have in common is that on the intensional level they qualify the relation between the entity identified by the noun phrase in which they appear and the description supported by the words making up the remainder of that phrase .
5 The case appears on a Diet Roll when both parties appear and the question of further procedure is considered .
6 To invoke the program you first start the application from which you wish to print , open up the relevant file , and then press shift and the print screen key .
7 Liverpool and the Mersey were the HQ of Western Approaches Command and the convoy system which was Britain 's lifeline for food and munitions from the US and Canada .
8 When we are hurt by someone 's behaviour , all that is happening is that we are disappointed because they do not behave in the way we expect and the reality conflicts with our ideals .
9 The dishwasher you choose will depend on how much you can afford to spend , the features you want and the space available .
10 GM schools will be able to change their character if that is what parents clearly want and the change fits in with the wider needs of the local area .
11 Consumers of broadcasting must themselves decide what they want and the price they are willing to pay .
12 Let's talk about the Channel that we want and the television we would like to see .
13 Facts about woman 's access to contraception and the annual death toll of illegal abortion ; about the number of children they want and the number they lose to malnutrition and disease ; facts about rape , incest and infibulation .
14 Violent crime , and in particular rape and the molestation of children , climbed vertically ( to the present day ) , and the violence of domestic crime was matched by the scourge of international terrorism and the regional and local wars of Africa , the Middle East , Asia and South America .
15 We tend to assess people through what they say and the way they say it , to come to conclusions about whether we will like someone from the way they present themselves in words .
16 Each character still begins a new line , so we know when a new person is speaking , but the ‘ said Puttermessers ’ and ‘ said Xanthippes ’ are pared to the bone : we have to deduce who is speaking from what they say and the way they say it .
17 Other signals may be rooted in our own culture or sub-culture — our clothes and our hair styles , for example , tell other people as much about us as what we say and the way we behave .
18 Yeah er if you , what was on tonight was er on the , there was a T V programme on tonight called What the Papers Say and the editor Alistaire Campbell was on tonight , he is actually quite left-wing and this paper will , is actually quite vehement about the government , much more than the Sun would ever be , it 's quite interesting , yet that is owned by Murdoch , but I have to say that I think that is only because Murdoch is n't liked in that way since to have
19 Since both need/dare and the infinitive evoke potentialities , no before/after relation is felt to pertain between them and so to is not necessary for the same reason as it is not used with the modal auxiliaries .
20 Tauchen and Pitts ( 1983 ) developed a model in which average daily volume and the variance of daily price changes are positive functions of the daily flow of information , the extent to which traders disagree and the number of traders .
21 The article ‘ Scientists disagree and the seal hunt goes on ’ ( This Week , 2 December , p 547 ) distorts the recent report by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ( ICES ) on harp and hooded seals in the north-west Atlantic .
22 However , from little acorns big trees grow and the step by small step approach is more likely to succeed .
23 While it is a great temptation to buy just one more fish , you can be creating problems for a future date as the fish grow and the filtration can no longer cope with the waste they are producing .
24 There can be a sharp discrepancy between the degree of freedom and dignity that workers believe they deserve and the control that employers think is necessary for their authority to be maintained .
25 For the moment we shall suppose that you probably recognise the type of writer in ( a ) as some impersonal / institutionalised writer addressing a general reader rather than a particular individual ( paying attention to Place and Remove and the ellipsis in the second sentence ( the ) finger nearest ( to the ) stop ) .
26 Kandersteg and the hotel Victoria combined are ideal for families with young children .
27 If the sales mix and the profit margins of the two products are different this causes problems because while overall sales volumes targets may be achieved total contribution will vary depending upon whether the higher or lower margin product dominates the sales mix .
28 For I swagger and I swallow and the earth is my hotel And I chew my meat in heaven and I lash my tail in hell !
29 The companies act and the act on the stock exchange are considered to be of primary importance for the creation of a free market economy .
30 Tug and the girl slithered out and Doyle jerked the gun towards the narrow squeeze-stile in the drystone wall beside them .
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