Example sentences of "[det] way to the " in BNC.

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1 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
2 Filmmakers were constricted as to subject matter by the requirement that their films contribute in some way to the war effort .
3 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
4 Some way to the west of Stromboli , and just to the north of Sicily , are the Lipari Islands .
5 At this stage it may be sensible to rely on your instinct but a further step that is worth trying is to give each candidate a simple task to perform that is related in some way to the post which is to be filled .
6 This deficiency is linked in some way to the death of nerve cells that arise in the forebrain and connect to many regions of the cerebral cortex .
7 You can use paper of similar thickness but unless you stick it in some way to the faces it is difficult to keep it in position when assembling the cores into the bobbin and bolting it down to the board .
8 However , a theory which was recognizably utilitarian in spirit might seek to give priority in some way to the prevention of suffering over that of the promotion of happiness .
9 A poll tax may be ‘ a tax levied on every person ; a capitation or head-tax ’ ( Oxford English Dictionary ) or it may be a tax related in some way to the right to vote .
10 Did it relate in some way to the fact that millions of years ago our gill-bearing ancestors crawled out of the pond , and ever since we have been paralysed by the thought of a return to it ?
11 Yet he had been unable to deny , especially when alcohol had begun to leech the starch from his scholarly brain , that her avid interest in the distant doings of Everett , Morpurgo and the Tyrrell Society was inexplicable , unless it constituted a cause corresponding in some way to the effect of her disappearance .
12 The strategic planning arrangements should be linked in some way to the arrangements for transport rather than by way of a Planning Commission or Joint arrangements .
13 Second , where there is a reference to time , for instance the past reference of former in ( 36 ) , it does not apply to the putative referent of the noun phrase , who still lives ; nor does it apply to the intensional entity , which is still available to any speaker of the sentence ; rather it applies in some way to the status of the property inherent in the noun ( king , in this example ) .
14 Initial excavations indicate that it was related in some way to the others , but had no buildings within the rampart .
15 The words " in relation to " referred to in the third limb do not appear in the section but it seems to the author that the reference to " any benefit to him by contract or otherwise " must relate in some way to the gifted property , and a conclusion along those lines seems to have been drawn in some of the old estate duty cases ( see Chick v Commissioners of Stamp Duties [ 1958 ] AC 435 at 447 ) .
16 Erm are you saying then that erm you have actually quantified and and related that in some way to the the damage which has been evident through all of the statements from Harrogate Borough Council , to in fact the N Y C C and acknowledged by the N Y C of the environmental impact that this will have .
17 All of this gives Dickens a very individual and interesting style and gives you the feeling that every episode is useful and vital in some way to the plot .
18 It is surely fitting that this should happen since nearly every member of the congregation contributed in some way to the result .
19 One of the major qualities of Michael 's performance was that he had to speak in three accents : one way to his troops , as their superior ; another way to the officers , his superiors ; and a third way to the German who had captured him .
20 The Court of Appeal adopted this understanding of the law in Shadrokh-Cigari , above , but also held that s.5(4) was another way to the same result since there was also an obligation to make restoration .
21 This way to the wedding party , ’ it read , arrows pointing to a distant farmhouse .
22 So I have treated quantification here as methodological : it is part of the analytic phase of social dialectology , and it is parallel in this way to the use of quantification and statistics in certain other sciences .
23 London 's later partner in the Brompton Park nursery , Henry Wise [ q.v. ] , was another of Rose 's apprentices , whose influence on the design of formal gardens was handed on in this way to the next generation .
24 ‘ What a terrible time you must have had — having to fly all this way to the States , and then to see poor , darling Liz and Owen when they 're so terribly , terribly ill .
25 ‘ So you 'd react this way to the touch of any ‘ experienced man ’ ? ’
26 Acheson added : ‘ I would accept [ using ] the average concentration [ rather than a maximum ] in relation to methaemoglobinaemia , ’ which goes less than half way to the justification that the DoE was seeking for a relaxation of the 50 mg/litre standard .
27 Astron , weighing 3½ tonnes , is in a highly elliptical orbit which takes it from a height of 2000 km up to 200 000 km , half way to the Moon .
28 In a moment of disquiet worthy of a de Chirico , the setting sun has pushed the shadow of the car half way to the horizon .
29 Jenny got half way to the bar before anyone noticed her .
30 Half way to the door I swivelled and , as if simply following the script of this particular hangover , strolled back to the table and came to a halt with my hands in my pockets a few feet from Davis 's chair .
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