Example sentences of "[det] group [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It would shortly be the turn of another group to state the opposite view , but in the meantime majority opinion was in favour of increased centralized political control .
2 It is always possible for humans to live peacefully , in a relatively small community , as long as there is another group to receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness .
3 In his most persuasive ( but unrepeated ) experiment , he trained a group of pigeons in a loft into which he experimentally made the wind blowing from the south to smell of olive oil , and the wind from the north to smell of turpentine ( another group had the directions of the smells reversed ) .
4 Another group combs the refuse for tins , bottles and plastic containers to be sold on junk stalls .
5 Another group used the library in the First World War .
6 If children who have already been diagnosed as suffering from some specific handicapping condition are included , the data will show the expected age delay before this group matches the performance of the normally developing children .
7 One of my favourite presidents , Theodore Roosevelt , president from the early part of the twentieth century and known as the damned cowboy erm you might be interested to know how people become president erm Theodore Roosevelt was an arch imperialist and got very excited about the er war with Spain er America had a s little brief war with Spain at the end of the nineteenth century erm over the possession of Cuba , and erm in eighteen ninety eight , and this aroused great patriotic feelings in all red blooded Americans and especially in Theodore Roosevelt and er er Roosevelt formed his own company of cavalry called the Rough Riders and erm Roosevelt wore glasses and was asthmatic but he had this group called the Rough Riders , sort of early kind of Clint Eastwood stuff , and erm anyway he g he was engaged in the war with Spain er and there was one wonderful moment in the war Spain in which the Spaniards were at the top of a hill called the San Juan hill er and er Teddy , as he was known , of course he gave his name to the teddy bear , did you know that did you ?
8 This group contained the smallest number of cases , ( 19 ) and the excess was based on eight patients only .
9 This group comprises the County Court , the Magistrates ' Court and tribunals .
10 On June 13-14 this group held the founding congress of a new Christian Democratic Forum ( FChD ) , electing Olszewski as honorary chairman of the new movement .
11 In developing ‘ critical theory ’ the writers of this group confronted the social role of knowledge and ideology using a framework for analysis and an approach very different from that of the sociology of knowledge .
12 Trade in Appendix I animals is completely forbidden , this group includes the great apes , rhinos , Asian elephants , sea turtles , the great whales , the giant panda , the big cats , some lizards , crocodiles , monkeys and birds of prey .
13 This group supported the formulation of a settlement within the Arab ranks and emphasized that the presence of foreign , and particularly US , troops in Saudi Arabia was a major obstacle to any solution of the crisis .
14 On the shoulders of this group rests the responsibility for preserving the basic standards of the polity .
15 This group included the veteran politician Mbiyu Koinange , who had participated in missions to the British Colonial Secretary in the early 1950s , and Dr Njoroge Mungai , then a minister in the Kenyatta government .
16 Areas considered by this group included the telecommunications and construction sectors , transport and tourism services , and financial and professional services .
17 Conversely , it may be the case that dissolution of the language/network relationship with respect to a group of speakers is a necessary condition for that group to fulfil the role of linguistic innovators .
18 Neither group had the bilingual competence which could form a sound basis for interpreter training but it is easy to forget what a considerable achievement the language skills they did possess demonstrated .
19 Each group had the opportunity of changing its membership at quarterly ‘ cavils ’ — events jointly supervised by management and union when faces were allocated to gangs by lot in order to even out differences in the ease of winning coal from particular seams .
20 The leader of each group collected the food and was responsible for distributing it among his ‘ team ’ .
21 Brownies and Guides get together and each group entertains the others as part of the Programme
22 Each group alters the leadership roles to strengthen the task-oriented role at the expense of the maintenance role .
23 The practical approach therefore is to group users and potential users so that firstly the members of each group require the same information and secondly the number of groups is manageable .
24 The application of the structure of the indirect tax system to the estimated consumption patterns in each group enables the integration of the indirect with the direct tax system .
25 Where MacLeay saw this unity as a circular system of relationships , Owen began to argue that the unity of type within each group displayed the rational activity of the Creator .
26 The latter group had the most difficulties and the greatest number of demands from the children .
27 Naturally enough , the latter group interpreted the first sentence appropriately but were unable to report what they heard through the unattended channel .
28 The concept of equality of outcomes does not mean that each person obtains the same number of marks in the same number of examinations , but that a representative individual of any group has the same probability of success as a representative individual of any other group .
29 The following list of the main nutrients in food shows that if there is one type of food that you do n't like , or find too expensive , it is possible to substitute another within the same group to keep the diet balanced .
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