Example sentences of "[det] then [was/were] the " in BNC.

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1 This then was the paradox Neela grew up with and had to learn to grow out of .
2 This then was the situation when Bruce Mackenzie , after much prompting from Jim and Jean finally proposed to Tina .
3 This then was the research design .
4 This then was the works at the commencement of the 1914–18 war .
5 This then was the method or system of building a railway wagon at Wolverton , of the 12 ton covered goods type : for other types of wagon the building procedure was adjusted .
6 This then was the Wolverton Royal Train of the later years of the LMSR and of the early British Rail period .
7 This then was the situation facing the social worker at the time of referral , with Joan at breaking point , and Stanley unaware of the difficulties .
8 This then was the beginning .
9 But , as she all at once realised that he thought , actually thought , that she had been pumping his secretary about him , so a tide of pink warmed her cheeks , and , ‘ Nothing ! ’ she exclaimed hotly , more startlement hitting her as it dawned on her that this then was the reason for his fury when he 'd seen them together .
10 Such then was the power of the immune system that it could suppress an inadvertently transplanted cancer .
11 Such then was the origin of soda water and a major industry , a service , according to Thomas Henry Huxley , writing over 100 years later , ‘ which all those thirsty souls with parched throats and hot heads could not too greatly acknowledge ’ .
12 Such then was the equipment and the ethos with which the Brewery faced the 50 years of violent growth which lifted it by 1914 to first place in the world league .
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