Example sentences of "[det] can still be " in BNC.

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1 The German Idealist tradition was born out of the rejection of British empiricism and some political commentators have urged that the legacy of this can still be seen in the idea that ‘ the Germans have only really to desire change in order to achieve basic changes in their position , and that these changes would in consequence alter the European scene so radically as to produce the longed-for peace ’ .
2 In light winds this can still be done by lowering yourself to sit on the board and then pulling on a straight front arm to pull yourself up .
3 This can still be done , old components can still be obtained and it is often possible to restore 50/60 year old , or even older , wireless sets to their former glory .
4 Stretches of this can still be found descending on Peebles from the north and , south of the town , across a ford on the Haystoun burn and over Kailzie hill , heading onwards over the Ettrick Water towards the Border .
5 But in its more extended and generalized uses it can become remarkably similar to the ‘ informing spirit ’ of idealist cultural theories , and this can still be so when it offers ( but does not include or specify ) a ‘ last instance ’ referral to the economy or to the mode of production .
6 Leith has been the scene of many interesting events and developments over the years and proof of this can still be seen today in some of the old buildings and narrow streets , and to a lesser extent , in the docks .
7 The plan of this can still be determined .
8 This can still be a heavy burden where witnesses have died , or are overseas , or have been promised confidentiality .
9 They say that search is monotonic if , whenever two operators can be applied to a state , either can still be applied to the state produced by the other .
10 The pair 's desire for recognition even extended to having the family name carved in the paving slabs of the piazza outside the palazzo and one or two of these can still be seen .
11 Many of these can still be seen to this day .
12 But the Italian form has a better flavour , and is to be preferred to the British native , though that can still be used for cooking .
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