Example sentences of "[det] as [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This as in keeping with the style of the palace itself .
2 When the Home Secretary talked of the need for the Government to give a lead in tackling racial disadvantage he therefore saw this as in issue for the longer term .
3 This is commonly done where information needs to be transferred from one computer to another as in banking or for the operation of a fax machine .
4 Are universities being cut as much as for example primary schools and secondary schools ?
5 The AFPFL members of the Council therefore came up with an announcement intended for public consumption as much as for adoption by the Council .
6 Accidents of history , as much as of geography , had played their part in making the village .
7 Forester 's fiction is as meticulous in detail and as active in plots as that of O'Brian , yet the Hornblower novels are basically romantic adventures , built on sentiment as much as on action and answering more directly than the Aubrey tales to the simplest conventions of the adventure story .
8 Not only does teaching a teenager at school cost less than half as much as at university .
9 Not as much as at home — at Inveraray , Elizabeth thought , but more than she had expected .
10 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
11 Thus , even in 1959 , the antidote to pessimism as much as to Incompetence involves the imposition of " physical and mental discipline " capable of countering what another Critical Quarterly contributor calls the " debilitating hedonism of a " good-time " civilization . "
12 My own view is that , if you want really high-quality fish , and can possibly afford them , now is the time to buy , Good , old-fashioned haggling is supposed to be alien to the British nature , but we are rediscovering the art — which applies to Koi just as much as to motor cars or kitchen units !
13 Nevertheless , as Suwardjo ( 1986 ) has discussed , these programmes have not only caused accelerated soil erosion , which in Sumatra may amount to as much as per year , but also a loss of soil fertility , especially in areas cleared mechanically rather than by hand .
14 If US generic production seems more dynamic than that of the UK , it is because the economy is driven by difference as much as by repetition : while the one secures recognition of a welcome familiarity , the other differentiates this familiar object from all competitors and discovers the ‘ exploitation angles ’ which will make it different and completely unexpected within a genre and a medium which is all too familiar .
15 The change to a real coalition in 1916 had been occasioned by the need to give Lloyd George a freer hand as much as by concern for structures .
16 ‘ Punched the sailor without so much as by th'leave !
17 A monkey-glander , essence of queen bees ; and intense by choice and exercise as much as by nature .
18 I entreat you both That , being of so young days brought up with him And sith so neighboured to his youth and haviour That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court Some little time , so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures , and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean , Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus , That opened lies within our remedy .
19 From total instinct as much as from injury I lay as dead .
20 It may mean also that strikes are openly directed against state policy as much as against management 's negotiating position , as with the French public sector strike in the mid-1960s against government fixing of the total wage bill ( Dubois 1975 : 114–15 ) , or the wave of public sector conflicts over the Spanish government 's wage control and restructuring policies in early 1987 .
21 It is here , as much as in psychology , that woman-centred theories of subjectivity are articulated ; for woman-centred theories look like humanist psychological theories which have redefined human potential as feminine potential .
22 If we follow this , the play with conventions , in television narrative subgenres as much as in language , may not simply be a classical ( or postmodern ) fascination with language games , but may also contain a ‘ naturalist ’ ( or modernist ) desire to revitalize forms that have become stale and hackneyed , and are no longer adequate to the world in which people believe .
23 The future , therefore , lies in intellectual co-operation and communication as much as in network infrastructure .
24 It tries to make evident , to say what in these complex relations remains unsaid and therefore unthought , in design practice as much as in design policy or social thinking .
25 In a country where innovation is prized in welfare as much as in technology , there is no reason that this right will not increasingly extend to other groups — Specialised Housing 's initiative has already caused the families of people with a severely mentally ill child to start thinking whether such an option might be open to them — but the fact remains that in the USA parents have even fewer options than in this country .
26 In antiracism as much as in multiculturalism , the absence of any serious engagement with issues around sexuality in the ‘ irrationality ’ of popular racism is symptomatic of a rationalist understanding of pedagogies and educational processes .
27 Had the National Government stuck to its professed intentions and dissolved , after about six weeks , into its component parts , with the ensuing general election bring fought by the parties , the political landscape might not have been changed as much as in fact it was .
28 Generalizing a little , we might plot the stress trajectories , that is the direction in which the stress is handed on from one atomic bond to the next , very much as in Figure 2 of this chapter .
29 There are still some inhabitants of the village who work locally in agriculture though not as many as of yore and many of the newer villagers commute further afield to their daily jobs .
30 The syndrome would be regarded by many as including honeymoon cystitis , that is to say urethral symptoms related to sexual intercourse , but also covers a host of other bacteria-negative causes .
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