Example sentences of "[det] a state of " in BNC.

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1 Often the pilot is in such a state of panic that the flying becomes dangerously inaccurate .
2 Such a state of affairs is related to that of ‘ The Kafirs of South Africa ’ who have , we are told , ‘ no definite social structure ’ and whose ‘ notion of Umkulunkulu , one of their chief divinities , [ is ] … extremely hazy , and there is little agreement as to who he really is . ’
3 However , he was the first who did not under estimate the power and the complexity of the system which had produced such a state of affairs .
4 Indeed it is difficult to imagine such a state of affairs , but in fact Marx , especially in Formen makes it quite clear that this is not what he meant at all ; it is only under the influence of Morgan in The Origin that Engels might possible by construed to have implied something so unlikely .
5 IF a dwelling house is in such a state of disrepair as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance , the tenant may lay an information against his landlord alleging the existence of a statutory nuisance under the Public Health Act 1936 .
6 Again , some wrongs , such as fraud , in their essence involve a guilty state of mind , and in such cases the extreme youth of the wrongdoer may be inconsistent with the existence of such a state of mind .
7 Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead .
8 Such a state of tension can only be achieved by implanting a hidden structure which must be integral to the situation — and to what the class can understand of the situation .
9 It is not intended to place her in such a state of independence as might seduce her to devote her time to the idleness of Poetry …
10 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
11 So far as enterprises are concerned , their accounts are now in such a state of confusion that most of them no longer care about increases in their costs .
12 By the time the meeting was over I was in such a state of excitement and fright that I forgot all about the clothing parcel I was supposed to collect .
13 But an experience of praise or reward is so striking and sweet that they work doubly hard to encounter such a state of affairs again .
14 It stated that the private houses , which formed the Foreign and Colonial Offices , were ‘ inadequate to the present extent of public business , in parts unsafe , and generally in such a state of dilapidation as to render it inexpedient to expend any large sum in their substantial repair ’ .
15 The Popplewells told Mr Smith that they would continue with the show but as the country was in such a state of uncertainty they would not be able to pay the Girls ’ wages !
16 With regard to the national economy in such a state of affairs , the principal slogan was not concern for its lasting restoration … but the immediate securing of produce , even at the cost of undermining the productive forces .
17 Given such a state of affairs , the parallels and analogies which comrade Preobrazhensky has constructed could not be anything other than a childish game of terminology .
18 But eventually , without disturbance , the secondary forest will reach such a state of maturity to be classified as primary .
19 Such a state of affairs is normal in first language acquisition , where there is a concurrent discovery of language and the world , as I suggested earlier .
20 Liza , distraught at the news , came home on compassionate leave , which she spent in such a state of shock and distress that Harriet began to feel that the sooner she returned to her duties the better .
21 After all , the last time such a state of affairs had existed , it had at least given her the bonus of being taken out to dinner by him .
22 Louise , however , was in such a state of excitement that initially she did not notice anything wrong .
23 Such a state of affairs can not be ignored , as it tends to be in selective and much functional assessment .
24 Bedside ‘ Robin was in such a state of shock .
25 He knows how to make people laugh , without whipping them into such a state of excitement that they feel a keen sense of anti-climax when the host of the show comes on .
26 Only the Special Council of Ministers , however , had the right to declare such a state of crisis .
27 ‘ I have never seen such a state of things . ’
28 Can , for example , consciousness avoid being somehow enriched by a pervasive quality , which could not possibly have occurred except as a quality of just such a state of consciousness , when it becomes consciousness of a beautiful object , instead of consciousness of something else , or ‘ mere consciousness ’ ?
29 They could alter such a state of affairs if they wished .
30 Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor .
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