Example sentences of "[det] of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Researchers in Birmingham and Aarhus in Denmark have found a protein called LMP , produced by the virus and thought to be involved in the cancer , in cells from about half of a sample of 84 tumours from patients with Hodgkin 's disease .
2 Although just over half of a sample of teenage mothers in 1979 — 80 had had some kind of family planning lesson at school , only a quarter had attempted to use contraception around the time they conceived .
3 HCS member Ali Haroun said in Brussels on Feb. 26 that half of a total of 50 people killed had been members of the army and gendamerie .
4 And then you get half of a bottle of wine as well or something .
5 Look at LD-50 — that 's a mandatory test to establish the concentration of a product which will kill at least half of a test group of animals .
6 He gave me one half of a clasp that belonged to the Lion of Venice .
7 The Tivoli Management Environment Release 1.6 adds configuration and change management services to the software , and is claimed to simplify and automate the process of setting up , maintaining and changing large-scale client-server networks , a task that often takes up over half of a system manager 's time , according to the company .
8 Tivoli Management Environment Release 1.6 adds configuration and change services to the software , claimed to simplify and automate the process of setting up , maintaining and changing large-scale client/server networks , a task that often takes up over half of a system managers time , according to Tivoli .
9 A WOMAN badly injured when she was hit by a police car on a pedestrian crossing is likely to lose half of a £48,500 damages award after an appeal court ruling yesterday .
10 Flint arrow heads and many waste flakes have been found and there was half of a stone mace head of the period 1500–2000 BC .
11 In MAKING IT BETTER , the improbably , coolly glamorous Jane Asher plays Diana Harrington , half of a couple who work for the BBC and have sex problems : her husband of 20 years tells her he is leaving her to set up as an homosexual , an announcement which seems to disturb her less than a wheel clamp .
12 No , half of a quaver .
13 Yeah when we 've had a look at fractions a bit erm we 'll play with those and we 'll find out things like what 's half of a quarter things like that .
14 So what does that 's when you start thinking about half of a quarter it gets very confusing what do you mean do you mean half or a quarter ?
15 Half of a quarter .
16 they 'd come out with half of one , they 'd come out with things like I think you 're er I du n no er , not barking up the wrong tree that was the wrong one , but the they 'd sort of come out with half of a pun and they would n't finish it off , like oh th , this is smashing !
17 Mr Gates reckons his firm 's $100m investment in NT ( for new technology ) will win it half of a market now dominated by Novell .
18 Room service had sent fruit for breakfast and Ellwood had skinned one half of a peach .
19 Grants and parental contributions would be frozen at 1990 levels and loans would eventually form half of a student 's maintenance award .
20 They proposed to sell half of a property in Kent for around $55M , to which the banks would agree subject to cross-collaterisation .
21 Simultaneously , two overweight , breathless and slightly tipsy men who were descending the station steps saw the train moving out and broke into a run , during which they managed to overtake half of a 66ft. long Mk. 1 coach .
22 ‘ I sometimes play half of a match good and half of a match bad , or not so good , and I have a feeling it gives opponents the chance to come back , ’ he said .
23 ‘ I sometimes play half of a match good and half of a match bad , or not so good , and I have a feeling it gives opponents the chance to come back , ’ he said .
24 A table of prime numbers , selected so that they are not too near to a factor of ten , and close enough in value to allow any packing density to be selected within half of a percent , is given in Appendix 4 .
25 Problems of sexual intercourse are as interactive at an unconscious level as some of a couple 's intercourse out of bed .
26 It is possible that some of a company 's shareholders will have interests , for example , as employees or customers , that are distinct from their investment interest in the business .
27 IN this chapter we are concerned with a group of torts the function of which is to protect some of a person 's intangible interests — those which may loosely be called his business interests — from unlawful interference .
28 He was born in Hambleden , some of a farm labourer .
29 Some of a horse 's physical needs can also dramatically influence its temperament ; this is especially true with feed .
30 Mention was made by some of a belief that Blacks get custodial sentences more often .
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