Example sentences of "[vb base] [pn reflx] at the " in BNC.

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1 As Christian communicators in Asia we place ourselves at the service of those challenges , well aware that we need to conscientise people as much as we need to be conscientised .
2 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
3 I 'm beginning to realize why perfectly sane people pitch themselves at the mercy of the elements miles from the security of terra firma , has provided the perfect resort for our first events of the .
4 Do a little homework before you put yourself at the mercy of a mortgage lender .
5 Picture yourself at the mouth of a cave .
6 ‘ As they strap in for holiday flights , how many people imagine themselves at the controls ? ’ said a Virgin spokesman .
7 Many other organisations are envious of all the In-Service training we provide , so do your best to support it and enjoy yourself at the same time !
8 I hope to show ways you can help heal our environment and enjoy yourself at the same time , regardless of your earning capacity , age , sex , sexual orientation , race , political ideology , whether you 're an individual , couple , group , family and whether you 're country-folk or a city-slicker .
9 The best kept secret of this election may be that poll tax collectors plan a massive drive to catch those who have failed to register for poll tax , or those who have registered but failed to pay it , when they present themselves at the polling booths tomorrow .
10 It is very important that you weigh and measure yourself at the beginning of the day on which you commence the Inch Loss Plan .
11 Find yourself at the controls of a fighter helicopter over 27 hair-raising missions .
12 In the stands , spontaneous combustion provokes smouldering enthusiasm amongst the spectators , while on the playing area fielders fling themselves at the ball and into the advertising hoardings around the boundary in frenzied attempts to save runs .
13 However , Nottingham Forest find themselves at the foot of a Premier League where standards are low , largely due to a paucity of decent managers and where none have Clough 's breadth of knowledge and experience .
14 Each year groups from mainland Spain find themselves at the house of the White Dove , a name symbolic of the peace and comfort which they experience through his caring approach .
15 At its most typical , this new form of innovation is at least primarily a marketing function , and this contrasts sharply with other kinds of innovation , which , governed by internal cultural purposes , often find themselves at the very margin of the market or indeed outside it altogether .
16 Janet 's counsellor Mamie Graham is on the end of a phone 24 hours a day for those who find themselves at the sharp end of crime .
17 Stringent safety measures now operate on buses to help drivers who , like Mr Seymour , find themselves at the sharp end of Strathclyde 's rising tide of serious crime .
18 When bream patrol their feeding routes they frequently display themselves at the surface .
19 I reproach myself at the same time .
20 eat themselves at the top of the food-chain
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