Example sentences of "[vb base] [pn reflx] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We race across Lliwedd on frost rimed ledges and hurl ourselves down towards Llydaw 's outlet , slipping on frozen streamlets , crashing down scree , pausing to drink the silence .
2 Defeat left Everton with a far from comfortable eight point cushion above the relegation zone and Kendall said : ‘ We defended well most of the time but let ourselves down in injury time .
3 The mountain shook for several long seconds , after which time they were delighted to see the Doctor hurtle out of the cave mouth and hurl himself down towards them .
4 I have to say first though , that this august body then let itself down with a bang before a ball had been bowled .
5 In order to communicate , it break itself down into small groups and appoints an in-house trusty to translate the speeches , allowed to be made in only a limited number of major languages ( tip — Portuguese is not one them ) .
6 Maybe they saw ‘ little water-trees , starwort and milfoil and crow foot ’ ; and ‘ green caterpillars which let themselves down from the boughs by silk ropes for no reason at all ’ ; and ‘ great spiders with crowns and crosses marked on their backs ’ .
7 They have little experience of the style of presentation in higher courts ‘ and it matters ’ and whilst a number of solicitors are extremely good others ‘ let themselves down in court ’ and in doing so let down the solicitors ' branch of the profession as a whole .
8 It 's something that everybody should be aware of all the time , and I do see a lot of guitarists who really let themselves down by just falling back and letting the obvious happen .
9 However , it is remarkable how many people , who are fastidious about personal hygiene and appearance , let themselves down by not bothering about their nails .
10 But erm careers officers particularly put themselves down for visits ,
11 A huge amount of political and industrial restructuring will have to take place as the east European states shake themselves down into the national structures that most suit their individual aspirations .
12 I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .
13 Or you might repeat the word ‘ re-lax ’ several times , then slowly count yourself down from 10 to 1 .
14 Drop yourself down into the glove , d'Arquebus .
15 Birmingham Polytechnic offer all their facilities absolutely free of charge to us so get yourself down in the entertainment bar in Aston .
16 Slow down , slow yourself down in training sessions .
17 Burrowing bivalves , which are typically found in the soft bottoms of shallow seas today , dig themselves down into the sediment , where they escape the attention of many predators ( except birds with long bills ! ) .
18 Yes , er he took a couple of steps away from the bed , er then I told him to lower himself down onto his knees and then eventually lower himself down onto his chest , down onto his front .
19 Gazzer watched her lower herself down from the top of the gates and edge out on one of the beams .
20 They rush from the water , fling themselves down on the beach and proceed to roll around in agony , screaming and frothing at the mouth .
21 sending the fish themselves down to the bottom , out of harm 's way .
22 We settle ourselves down in a First Class cabin , lay our delicacies out on the table , open some wine and champagne , set the crayfish on to plates that do n't look paper , and eat , drink and devour vast quantities of pâté , hors d'oeuvre and champagne .
23 I howl , and I throw myself down on the floor .
24 I settle myself down at the mirror .
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